pg. 2 chapter 6

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   Creampaw then stepped away from  Smokepaw as he passed, flattening his ears and letting out a hiss. Smokepaw frowned, picking up his pace and running to the apprentice's den.

"We should be more kind to him though, he doesn't seem like Stormtail at all. And we can't blame him for his mothers actions.", I said, feeling a bit bad for the apprentice. Creampaw let out a confused mew and followed me towards Berrypaw.

"Oakpaw!", Berrypaw meowed as she started towards me. "I'm going to the moon hill, tonight's a half-moon!", she exclaimed, running circles around me and Creampaw .

   "That's great!", I purred.

"Moon hill?", Creampaw asked.

"It's were medicine cats and clan leaders go to speak with Starclan.", she explained, not going to deep into detail. "I'll be back tomorrow at about Dawn.", she said running to her mentor, Foxheart, as they went out of camp.

Leaders and medicine cats usually left at sun-high, because the Moon-hill is all the way beyond Shadeclan territory.

   We headed to the fresh-kill pile, when a familiar mew sounded out from the high-branch.

It was Spotstar. "Oakpaw, I am appointing you a new mentor."

  "What do you mean?", I meowed. "What happened to Frostwhisker?"

  "Frostwhisker is expecting kits.", Spotstar said. "So, your mentor will be Branchpelt, I'm sure he'll be a great mentor.", Spotstar said, jumping down to his den.

   I turned to Creampaw, "That's my third mentor.", I mumbled.

"What happened to your first?", Creampaw asked.

         "He died, not long before you joined the clan. His name was Tigerpelt.", I explained.

"I'm sorry for asking!," Creampaw mewed, "I didn't know."

      I started walking to the Medicine cat den, my pads were sore from training, when I spotted Branchpelt heading over to me.

"We haven't talked before as friends, have we?", he meowed. "I'm your new mentor, Branchpelt." I looked at him, I never really payed attention to him when he was an apprentice.

    "Nice to meet you.", I purred, turning and walking to the Medicine cat den.

I headed to Berryfern, my pads aching, Berryfern got her full name just recently, and is very good at being a Medicine cat.


    It has been a few moons since I've gotten my new mentor, he's been really kind, and he always is so funny.

I saw Berryfern running towards the nursery, and I started walking after her. I walked into the nursery and saw my old mentor, Frostwhisker, laying there, Quailfeather and Berryfern surrounding her, sorrow in their eyes.

    I soon realized what had happened, Frostwhisker had died while kitting, her kits laying off in a moss nest, without a mother. "The poor kits.", Berryfern meowed, walking to them.
   "What will happen to them?", I asked. "I heard Duskblossom's kits are becoming apprenticed soon, maybe she can suckle them.", Foxheart mewed, licking the kits.

   "Two Toms and a She-kit.", Foxheart said, as Quailfeather came over.

"She's gone.", he whispered, voice cracking with sadness
   "I'll name the She-kit after her Mother, she's Frostkit.", Quailfeather whispered. "That one will be Softkit, and the other one will be Twigkit.", he finished, heading back to Frostwhisker to mourn before she was buried.

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