Chapter 8

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My eyes blinked open, I suddenly coughed up mouth-fulls of water. I scented Swampclan, my fur immediately bristled.

"Calm down.", an unfamiliar voice mewed. "My name is Birchfeather, I saved you from the river.", Birchfeather said.

    The fur on my spine still rose, but I laid down on my side, exhausted. "Where... is... Branchpelt...", I mewed, in gasps.

"I'm sorry, I'm not sure he made it.", the Tom said, bowing his head.

     "No!", I yowled with all the breath I could. "He-He can't be...", I whispered, stumbling onto my paws. I searched the sandy river bank for the brown Tom, finally I saw him, his leg still in the water.
   I stumbled over as quickly as I could to him, nudging him with my muzzle.

"Wake up!", I wailed. "You can't leave me now.."

     He blinked his eyes open, looking over at me.

"Oakpaw..", Branchpelt started, coughing weakly, his voice cracking,"Be happy.. no matter what happens.", he finished, breathing quickly.

   "No! I can't be happy without you!", I whimpered.

   "It's my time, Oakpaw, Starclan is waiting for me...", Branchpelt whispered. "I love you.., Oakpaw", he finished, his eyes stared on sightless, and his body was limp. I pressed my muzzle to is fur, breathing in his sent.

   "No..", I whispered. I heard the Swampclan warrior approach me.

"You should be heading back to your territory.", Birchfeather said, sorrowfully.

     Birchfeather and I carried Branchpelt back to my territory, when we approached, I scented a patrol. They came out of the bushes and saw us, immediately unsheathing their claws.

It was Furtuft, Leafflight, and Tinytail. Leafflight, immediately yowled is shock when she saw, Branchpelt, her litter mate.

     "Branchpelt!", she wailed. "What happened to him?"

  I looked at her, thinking what I should say.

    "He drowned, saving me, but he couldn't stay above the surface with both of us.. And then Birchfeather came and pulled us out.", I explained.

    "He is so brave.", Leafflight sorrowfully purred, grooming his fur neatly. "We'll bring him the rest of the way.", Leafflight told Birchfeather, he nodded, turning and heading back to his camp.

    We headed into the vines that lined our camp, my legs still shakeing from fear and exhaustion. My father, Spotstar, came to me.

      "Oakpaw! What happened?", Spotstar meowed, worried.

    As Furtuft explained everything, I noticed my fur was flat on my skin, and I was shivering from the cold wind of leaf-bare, and the icy water.

     Mapleleaf, who I noticed was with Spotstar, started rapidly licking me. After I squeezed out of the attention of others, I went onto Berryfern's rock and tried to dry off.

     I woke up at Sun-down and noticed I'd been there since about Sun-high. I hopped down and went to the Apprentices den, ignoring my stomach as I passed the fresh-kill pile.

       I didn't have much of an appetite since Branchpelt died, and I felt as if nothing would ever be the same...

      I was grooming myself, when Gravelpaw walked into the den, glancing at me with hatred. She was eating a shrew, completely silent, and started for the exit of the den.

     "Only Swampclan cats go
for swims!", Gravelpaw teased.

     I flattened my ears and hissed.

       Could she take anything seriously? I thought, Branchpelt, drowned!

     A call from the High-branch interrupted my thoughts, as I left the apprentices den and headed for the clearing around the tree.

     "Cats of Natureclan, a warrior has died, far to early today," Spotstar started, as he looked down at Branchpelt's body, "Oakpaw, and Creampaw, will also need a new mentor. Skywing, can you handle three apprentices?" Skywing nodded.

    "Those Who we're close to Branchpelt will share tongues with him for the last time, before he is buried."

   Duskblossem, Quailfeather, Me, his sister Leafflight, and a few others, came and shared tongues with him, slicking back his fur and breathing in the last of his scent.

    Branchpelt's parents Duskblossom and Quailfeather carried him out of camp to bury him in our burial place, followed by the elders while the rest of the cats took their places back in the crowd as Spotstar called us back.

     "Also, Leafflight is expecting kits, and is moving into the nursery.", Spotstar announced.

     Mews of congratulations filled the clearing, and the crowd broke apart, everyone going into separate crowds of cats.

    I headed for the hollow stump behind the high-branch and settled myself into it, laying silently, resting until I regained my full strength.

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