Chapter 5

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I was walking to Spotstar's den, when Spotstar came out and jumped to the High-branch. I stopped, and sat where I was standing, hoping it was about my new mentor.

"Cats of Natureclan. We need to appoint a new mentor for Oakpaw.", he started "And, Magmaclaw has requested it was time she became an elder.", he said looking at Magmaclaw, she nodded.

  "Your new mentor will be Frostwhisker, I'm sure she will pass her skills to you.", he said, jumping down to his den.

Frostwhisker looked at me and nodded, a nodded back, standing, and walked out of camp.

As I walked towards the Flareclan border, I spotted a cat laying on a branch of a tree. I crouched down, stalking closer, when I stepped on a stick, that snapped.

The cat's ears pricked and they hopped off of the branch, and turned towards me. They tilted their head. I quickly ran behind a bush.
"Who are you? What are you doing here?", said the cat, it was a Tom, and they were a cream-colored.

"I'm sorry! I'll get off of your territory.", I said turning to run.

"Territory?", said the Tom, confusion in his amber eyes.

"Aren't you from Flareclan?", I said, parting my jaws to scent the air, but his scent wasn't familiar. "Flare? Clan?", he asked me, confused.

I relaxed, knowing he wouldn't be a threat. "Are you a kittypet?", I asked, maybe a bit to rudely.

"Kittypet? What's that?", he asked.

"Are you a ur- house-cat?", I asked.

"No. Ever since me and my sister got attacked, I haven't figured out where I was.", he told me.

I felt bad, his fur was a mess, and I could see his ribs.

"What is your name? I'm Oakpaw.", I said.

"I'm Cream.", he replied.

I decided to invite him to clan-
I didn't care if I got in trouble, he probably wouldn't last until leaf-bare out here!

"How would you like to join my clan? You can train to be a warrior, like me.", I said.

"I would love to! But, what is a clan?", he asked.

"It's were a big group of cats come together, and follow the warrior code. We serve our clan with loyalty, and share prey.", as I said this, his eyes gleamed.

  "I would love to!", he mewed.

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