pg. 2 chapter 2

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   As I walked on, I scented two cats, Furtuft and Tinypaw. "They must be out hunting." I thought, continuing for the Camp.

Then, another sent filled my nose, Badger!
     I dropped my prey and ran towards the sent. When I caught my eyes on the badger's pelt, I looked around and found Tinypaw's tiny body laying on the ground, while Furtuft was ferociously scratching at the badger.

   I ran in to help, hesitating for a moment, then jumping onto the badger's back, and raking my claws along it. Furtuft jumped by and scratched the badger's side, making it angrier, and it ran towards Tinypaw.

I put my focus back to the badger and pounced, I scratched it's flank furiously, the hot, red, blood spilling out slowly.

      The badger let out a deep yowl, spinning around and flinging me across the clearing. I lay there on the grass for a few moments before stangering to my feet and going back to attack, this time joined by Furtuft.

        The creature yowled, stumbling off as if it thought it wasn't going to waste time on us.

   I turned to Furtuft to see her licking Tinypaw. "Is he alright?", I asked.

    "Yes, he's just unconscious. He should wake up soon.", replied Furtuft.

     "And Thank you, for coming to help.", she said looking up at me with grateful eyes.

(Furtuft pov)
"And Thank you, for coming to help.", I said gratefully.

    "No problem.", said Oakpaw, trying to clean a huge wound on her side.

     There was a noise in the ferns behind us, I looked back, "Anyone there?", I asked. I saw a flash of gray fur running past me, and claws swept across my face.

      "Run!", I commanded, looking at Oakpaw, "Grab Tinypaw!"

     I turned back ready to attack, I saw dark blue eyes staring in the distance, I ran towards them and pounced, landing directly on the figure, I had a view of the She-cat's face now, it was.. Stormtail?!

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