pg. 3 chapter 5

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I went to congratulate Bloodclaw, but I was cut off by Gravelpaw, who purred something to Bloodclaw, he smiled.

   I guessed it was a congratulations and walked out of camp, forgetting Creampaw was behind me.

"Where you going?", he asked.

"Oh, I'm going hunting.", I replied.

        "Oh, no you aren't!", mewed A familiar voice, it was Furtuft. "You're going on a patrol with me and Leafflight.", said Furtuft.

"A patrol!", I said excitedly, I've only been on one before.

"Yup! Now, meet here at sun-high. We have the sun-high patrol.", she told me before walking away. "And your little friend can come too if he'd like to.", she added, continuing her way towards the warrior's den.

I turned to Creampaw, "Wanna come on your first patrol?", I asked, glaring at him excitedly.

"Of course!", he said, his Bushy tail swaying happily.

"In the meantime, want to carry on with the tour? I forgot some bits.", I told him. He nodded in reply, following me to the nursery. "This is the nursery," I said "it's were the she-cats nursing, or expecting kits stay.", I finished.

Cloudkit, Tankit, and his siblings looked up at us. "They're so big!", Wavekit said, while her brother, Sandkit, purred. His eyes gleaming. I laughed a little.

       "I've never seen a kit before!", exclaimed Creampaw. "Well, besides when I was a kit.", he explained, joking.

   "What is the coolest thing apprentices can do?", asked Tankit, unsheathing his claws and pretending to claw an opponent.

"Well, we can fight in battles. But I haven't been in one yet.", I told the kits, Duskblossom listening too.

   "Who is that?", Sandkit mewed. "I don't remember a naming ceremony for him, or them being in the nursery.", he said looking at Creampaw.

"You can find that out another time!", I said playfully, noticing it was nearly Sun-high, and we rushed out of the nursery towards the entrance of camp.

    We arrived at the entrance to camp to find Leafflight and Furtuft were already waiting. Me and Creampaw approached them, and we headed towards the cliffs.

As we approached the cliffs, I stopped, dropping into a hunting crouch. A rabbit was in the ferns ahead of me, eating Berry's from a bush. I crept closer, silently stalking it, and then I pounced, ending its life with a bite to the neck.

I pushed it to Creampaw. "Here, you can eat it.", I said, smiling at him. He purred, bending down to take a bite. "But, if you go hunting, you can't eat your catch until the clan is fed.", I explained to Creampaw. He nodded, finishing the rabbit.

"Watch out for the badger, it was near here.", Furtuft told us carefully.

  'And Stormtail's group of cats.' I added silently.

    "A badger?", Creampaw said fearfully. "You really fought one?", he asked curiously.

"Yeah, mostly Furtuft though.", I told him, not giving myself much credit.

"You did great, Oakpaw!", purred Furtuft.

The whole time, Leafflight only talked once, and that was when she said, "I must get back for my Vigil." When she mentioned that, we headed back, noticing it was Moon-set.

Me, Moonpaw, and Creampaw we're laying on our backs, looking at the stars.

"There's one!", said Moonpaw.

One of the Elders said that they saw a falling star, and now we wanted to see.

"There's another!", I said, excited at this new sight.

Creampaw leaned towards me, "Thank you Oakpaw, for bringing me here.", he whispered. I was glad he was enjoying clan life,

      "Your welcome, Ive enjoyed you here!", I purred back.

We all drifted off to sleep, exhausted from the patrol, me and Creampaw were asleep first. Our sleeping bodies, in the moonlight, unknowing of what would come the next morning.

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