Chapter 10

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I glanced from side to side, then darted in the direction of camp. I heard paws padding close behind me, and I saw they were following me.
   I curved to the left, darting right into camp. I stopped in the middle of the clearing and turned back, they didn't follow me this far.
I twitched my ear, blood dripping out of it. My heart was pounding, and I was still wondering who those strange cats with Shadeclan were, but my ear was stinging so I went to the Medicine Cat den.
I tried to avoid anyone, staying in the shadows of the edge of camp. I entered the Medicine Cat den, and saw Berryfern sorting herbs near her nest.
She looked up from her herbs, examining my ear. "Oakpaw, What happened?", Berryfern asked. "Your ear!" I looked down at the snow beneath me, it had drops of blood staining it red.
"Rouges," I lied, "Some rouges." Berryfern stepped towards me, sniffing at my ear. "I smell Shadeclan sent, and rouge.", she whispered. "Shall I tell Spotstar once I treat your wound?"
I licked my paw, bringing it over my shredded ear multiple times, "Yes, he might teach them a lesson at the next gathering.", I mumbled, with a bit of humor. The full-moon was tonight, and I expected to find out who those strange cats were, they weren't rouges. And something told me this would only be the start of seeing them.
I flickered my attention back to Berryfern, she was putting cobwebs over my ear to stop the bleeding. When she finished, I mewed a thanks and left the den to apologize to Creampaw.
    I flicked my gaze left to right, and I finally found Creampaw sitting near the hollow stump, talking with Moonpaw. I trotted over to them, stepping over a clump of ice.
    "Hey, Creampaw—", I started, before Spotstar called the clan for a meeting. "Tonight is the Full-Moon, and There is a gathering. Those who are going to the gathering are, Furtuft, Berryfern, Redscar, Bloodclaw, Tinytail, Mapleleaf, Nofang, Blizzardwind, Smokepaw, Shadowpaw, Oakpaw, Gravelpaw, and Blazepaw. Please go to the vine tunnel to get ready for the Gathering.
     I frowned, Creampaw wasn't going to this gathering. I walked to the vine tunnel with the others that were coming to the gathering.
    We arrived at the islands, and I realized I smelt the strange scent I smelt earlier today. My fur pricked at the thought of finding out who they were, and I was padding the snow beneath my paws waiting for Spotstar to give the signal.
     At the flick of Spotstar's tail, we all spilled out into the sandy clearing near the lake. I hurried by a group of the cats that had the scent I didn't know.
    I was sitting a few fox-lengths away when one of the cats glanced at me, they said something to the others and walked towards me. The fur on my neck rose and I started on, it was the pale brown she-cat from earlier.
    "Your ear!", She gasped, "I have a word to pick with Splinter.", she mumbled, "Storm said not to hurt anyone, but look what you did!" I she reached over and licked my shredded ear. I flinched, flattening my ears.
They don't even have traditional names! Splinter? Storm? I though. "Hey! Don't just lick other cat's ears without saying anything.", I growled. "Oh, sorry, I just—", She started. "You poor thing. That won't grow back, you know."
    I looked at her, I knew that, but I wanted to know more. "Who is Splinter?", I asked. "Oh, he's the one who tore your ear, during our patrol.", She said. "We should have never gone on that patrol!", she hissed to herself.
    "Oh, well, what's your name? I'm Oakpaw.", I said cheerfully. "Oakpaw? Your Oakpaw?" She examined me closely, "I'm Feather. Your nothing like Storm explained.", she said.
    I frowned, "Who is Storm?" She looked at me, "She's the leader of Stormclan.", Feather purred. "She's a great leader!" I looked at Feather, and I saw that she looked amazingly similar to Creampaw. Then I recalled Creampaw saying he had a sister, but he had lost her.
    I lit up, "Feather, do you know anyone named Cream?", I asked, using Creampaw's former name. Feather frowned, "I might, but I don't remember anything except for a few moons ago. I was found by Stormclan when I was barely a kit, so, maybe?", She said. "I woke up in Stormclan, that's the earliest thing I remember." I was upset, but I slipped it away.
   "Could I meet some of your friends?", I asked. Feather's ears suddenly pricked in excitement. "Yes! Follow me!", She purred, darting off towards the group of cats she was in.
"Oakpaw, these are my friends! They're all Training like me. Oakpaw meet, Duck, Slush, and Scab.", Feather said, there was a white she-cat with brown splotches, a light gray Tom, and a Lavender tom. I smiled at them, and the gray tom and Feather smiled back. The rest of them staring at me angrily. Feather frowned, "I'll show you our Medicine Cat, she's my good friend too!", Feather mewed, walking towards a golden furred she-cat.
"Oakpaw, this is Sunny. The Medicine Cat.", She purred. Sunny flicked her tail in welcome, then turned back to continue talking to the other clans Medicine cats, including Berryfern.

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