Chapter 3

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(Stormtail P.O.V.)
     I was walking through my old territory when many sents filled my nose, "badger, and three cats." I thought. With my group of rouges behind me, I flicked my tail for them to stay quiet.

    "Anyone their?", asked one of the cats.

    I darted back and forth until I spotted a white she-cat. I pounced and scratched her across the face.

       "Run!", she yowled, "Grab Tinypaw." Another she-cat turned and grabbed an unconscious Apprentice.

I was in the ferns in the distance and the she-cat was staring into my eyes, she ran towards me and pounced, knocking me over.

(Furtuft P.O.V.)
"Stormtail?", I said, my eyes lighting up in surprise. "Who else would I be?", she snarled, kicking at my stomach, which made me wince as her hind claws dig into my skin.

     I turned and ran, knowing I was no match for her, and jerked to a stop as Stormtail grabbed my tail.

     I hissed, turning back to bite her leg, but before I could do that, she pounced. Knocking me onto my back.

"Now, tell me, who are you?", rasped the she-cat.

       "I am Furtuft, and what are you doing on Naturclan territory, Stormtail?", I said confidently.

    Stormtail narrowed her eyes, and flicked her tail. Suddenly, six cats came running from the bushes, and I screeched for help.

(Oakpaw P.O.V.)
I was approaching camp when I heard a screech, "I'm sorry." I thought, entering camp. "We're under attack!", I yowled, dropping Tinypaw. Tigerpelt ran over to me.

"What do you mean?", he said sternly.

    "I went out hunting, like you said, and I saw Tinypaw and Furtuft getting attacked by a badger-", I started.

   "So it is a badger?", Tigerpelt interrupted.

   "Yes! But then, I scented a cat and... they attacked Furtuft... and she told me to grab Tinypaw and run.", I said, out of breath from the run to camp.

   "Quailfeather, Whitesnow, and Redscar, follow Oakpaw to Furtuft and help. Oakpaw, come back immediately afterwards. Everyone else, stay guard Incase there are more to attack us.", commanded Tigerpelt. "I will stay, the clan might need me.", as Tigerpelt said this, he turned and went to Spotstar's den.

    I turned the opposite way and led Quailfeather and the others to Furtuft. As we darted through the forest, I scented cats heading towards the camp, I almost let out a yowl of warning to prepare my clanmates, but I stopped and carried on.

   We approached the clearing quickly, seeing Furtuft getting attacked by five cats at once. The group assigned by Tigerpelt went to help, and Redscar headed for.. wait.. Stormtail?

    My eyes opened wide
with fear, and I turned, remembering what Tigerpelt said,"Come back immediately afterwards." And ran to camp.

   When I entered camp, It was total chaos. Cats with wound marks running to the medicine den in the midst of battle, and cats laying on the ground, limp.

Then, I looking at the clearing, there by the high-branch, lay a motionless outline of Tigerpelt, and Spotstar mourning for his lost brother.

   "Tigerpelt!", I mewed, darting to my mentor. He lay there, unmoving in the clearing. I crouched down licking his bloody fur clean.

Spotstar stood up, jumping to the High-branch and the cats of the clan didn't need to hear the words that are usually said, and all gathered around it.

Then, Spotstar said, "I say these words before StarClan, so that the spirits of our warrior ancestors may hear and approve of my choice. The new deputy of Natureclan is Nofang."

   Shardpaw's eyes lit up, and Nofang looked more surprised than when she got an apprentice. I was happy for her, but I was still upset, even though me and Tigerpelt weren't very Close.

   I noticed Furtuft and the others walking into camp, Furtuft limping badly, and going to the Medicine Cat Den. Scratches suddenly started stinging badly on my flank, I turned and followed the others to the medicine cat den.

When I entered, I saw Foxheart putting cobwebs on Furtuft's scars. Tinypaw was eating herbs in the corner, then laid down to rest.

"Need anything?", said Foxheart between muffled mews.

"Could I have something to stop stinging?", I asked.

"Yes, it's just over there.", she said, nodding to Nettle and cobwebs. I went and grabbed them. "Wait over there.", she told me flicking her tail to a bed of moss. I laid down and waited for Foxheart to be ready.

As I walked out, I stumbled on something, I got on my paws and turned, to see a tiny tan colored kit. "Oh my Starclan! A Warrior!", he exclaimed.

"Thanks for the upgrade!", I said, letting out an amused purr. "My name is Oakpaw, I'm an apprentice.", I said.

  "I'm Tankit, I'm a kit.", said the kit. "Well, I have to go.", I said, turning to the apprentices den.

Half way there, I noticed the kit was following me.

"This is the apprentices
den, your not aloud here yet.", I explained. The kit frowned, walking away towards the nursery.

Finally! I can sleep. I thought, and then I laid down in my nest to get well earned rest.

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