Chapter 11

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I waited for a bit of the battle, and then slowly walked back into the main clearing. I tried wiping the blood off of my paws, but it didn't come off.
I noticed there were only a few more Stormclan cats left, then I looked around the clearing again, my father was laying in the grass, unmoving. I ran over, crouching near him, he's loosing another life, I thought, looking around.
Storm was not here, and I figured her and her clan left after taking one of Spotstar's lives. I didn't take my focus off of my father until he woke, minutes later.
   Just then is when I realized how many of our cats had died, and I was shocked to see, Furtuft, Robinclaw, Whitesnow, and Quailfeather, had all died.
Berryfern had already gone around and treated everyone's wounds, and was sitting, looking disappointed in herself. I wanted to comfort her like I used to, but I couldn't seem to think of how.
In Stormclan, only two cats had died, and I didn't recognize any of them. My father looked at me, and smiled. "You fought well, Oakpaw, I think it is time you and your siblings become warriors.", Spotstar purred, hopping onto the High-branch.
"All cat's old enough to catch their own prey gather around the High-branch.", My father announced. The cats of the clan gathered around, though they looked wary and tired.
      "It is about time Oakpaw, Blazepaw, Creampaw, and Gravelpaw became warriors.", Spotstar said. We stepped near the bottom of the tree holding the High-branch, and sat patiently.
     "Oakpaw, you have trained hard and always had high spirits in hard situations. You will now be known as, Oaktail." I smiled, it has been such a long journey to reach this point.
      "Blazepaw, in honor of your fire colored pelt, you will be known as Blazespark." Blazespark held his head high, purring slightly.
      "Creampaw, you have worked hard to prove yourself to the clan, and have shown your strength and loyalty. You will be known as Creamfur." Creamfur looked at me and smiled, and I smiled back.
      "And, Gravelpaw, you will be known as Gravelfur.", Spotstar finished. The clan cheered our new names, and I couldn't help but to be overwhelmed with happiness. Creampaw and I put so much effort into our training, and now it all payed off.


Yes! I finally finished the book. Don't worry, I already started the second book!! And, the third... don't ask. The second book, I will publish the prologue... probably already by the time you read this! It is called, Starshine. And I hope you like this, and the second book! (Go check it out!!)

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