pg. 2 chapter 10

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    Feather looked at me again, "My clan is pretty amazing. We just need Territory, and Storm said we would be able to live as a real clan.", She purred.
   "What does Storm look like?", I asked, curios of the strange new cat. "She's Smoky-gray with—", Feather started, before the leaders jumped onto the giant rock in the center of the lake, and signaled the gathering was starting.
When the murmuring died down, Mudstar stepped forward to talk. "Flareclan has had good prey for leaf-bare, and there have been no sicknesses yet.", Mudstar meowed.
    He glanced at Spotstar sharply before continuing, "We have sented Natureclan cat's on our territory," He growled, "And we do not tolerate other clans on our territory."
    Spotstar hissed, "And we will not tolerate barging into our camp and killing innocent cats!" Yowls of protest came from the Flareclan cats. "Innocent?", a dark ginger Flareclan she-cat next to me snarled.
    The hissing silenced with a flick of Mudstar's tail. His Fiery green eyes staring down at the cats below him. He flicked the tip of his tail to signal he was done speaking, and Spotstar stepped up.
     "Nateclan has good prey, and the river that runs through out territory hasn't frozen yet," Spotstar started, "Flareclan barged into our camp, and killed our medicine cat, Foxheart.", He finished, suddenly.
     Shock ran through the other clans, while Flareclan still sat tall. "Three new apprentices were made, they are Tanpaw, Sandpaw, and Wavepaw." Spotstar stepped back, sitting and closing his eyes.
   Crystalstar walked up, her crystal blue gaze sweeping through the other cats. "Unlike Natureclan And Flareclan, we had no trespasses. We are haveing trouble with finding prey, but we have enough to support our clan.", She mewed, sitting and nudging Halfstar to the front of the rock with her paw.
"We didn't sent any other clans on our territory, however we are missing prey and have sented rouges. Two new litters were born, and they are four new healthy kits all together." Halfstar said.
"And a few of you might have noticed, there are new cats here. I found a small 'clan' near the edge of our territory. They wish to have their own territory, and be a fifth clan.", Halfstar said, against yowls of protest.
"We're giving them the territory between Shadeclan and Natureclan, so they have enough room to support all of their cats.", he finished, flicking his tail, as a Smokey gray she-cat came from the bushes below the rock.
"This is the leader of the new Stormclan," Halfstar mewed, "Storm." Storm's blue and yellow eyes were unmistakable, Stormtail? I thought, glancing over at Feather.
The Natureclan cats flinched, and started whispering to each other, as the Stormclan leader jumped onto the rock.
"Yes, I, Storm, are the leader of Stormclan. We aren't having trouble catching prey in a part of our new territory, and we found an abandoned kit near the two-leg nests. The kit began training, and is here, and known by some of you as Snow.", Storm meowed calmly.
"Their names aren't even traditional!", growled a cat near me. "I believe the gathering is over now, that all the leaders have spoken.", She said, and I noticed Spotstar was glaring at Storm full of hate, and- fear?

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