Chapter Three.

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The shop was exactly as Taehyung remembered it.

The quiet sound of tattoo machines whirring along with the quiet classical music playing over the speakers, the scent of incense burning, and the bright studio lighting were all the exact same as they had been a few weeks ago when he had booked his appointment. He noticed that instead of the man he booked his appointment with, there was a petite female inking a client at the station closest to him. Her carefully plucked eyebrows were furrowed in concentration, a black floral mask covering the rest of her face.

"I've never been in a tattoo parlor before," Jimin stated quietly. Taehyung glanced over at his friend, who was looking around in awe. "It's really nice, actually."

The younger raised an eyebrow. "What were you expecting?"

"Somewhere dark and damp run by some really tall thugs with scars running down their faces who only got into tattooing to inflict pain on people," Jimin replied. "Something like that."

Taehyung then fully turned to his friend, a droll look spread across his face. "You've been reading way too many Wattpad mafia stories, haven't you?"

Jimin shrugged, about to respond, when his attention snapping to the figure that was approaching the pair. Taehyung turned to see who his tattoo artist would be, and he only had to take one look at the individual before his breath hitched in his throat.

He hadn't recognized him the first time he had been in the shop, but this was the person who he had not only met on the balcony at the lounge, but the person who was in the coffee shop that had looked vaguely familiar. He could recognize his characteristic tattoos and attractive face anywhere.

If the artist had recognized Taehyung, he didn't let it show.

"Hello, I'm Jeon Jeongguk," he said, bowing. "You must be Kim Taehyung?"

Taehyung nodded, not being able to take his eyes off of Jeongguk. Something about him was extremely enticing, and he immediately felt an unfamiliar feeling deep down that he he could not identify.

"It's nice to meet you," the older of the two stuttered.

Jeongguk flashed a quick smile at him before leading him back to his station. Jimin, unfortunately, had to stay in the waiting area until the tattoo was finished, as there wasn't enough room in Jeongguk's small station for another body.

"Sit here, please," Jeongguk instructed. "So, what exactly are you looking to get done?"

Taehyung frowned, still having no idea what he wanted. "I wish I knew," he said quietly. "Maybe... maybe a butterfly."

Jeongguk nodded and immediately turned around, grabbing a binder from the countertop behind him and flipping it open. Taehyung watched as the artist turned a few pages rather quickly until he arrived at the page he was looking for.

"As you know, we weren't able to have the consultation before the appointment, so we're going to have to come up with something on the spot. Do you like any of these designs?" He passed the binder to Taehyung, who looked down to see multiple different butterflies, all with different patterns and approaches, yet they all reflected the same style.

Taehyung felt the anxious feeling numb his body once again as he stared at the tattoos, but he shook his head and pointed to one particular piece. It was very simple, yet it's graceful figure attracted Taehyung's eyes immediately.

"You like this one?" Jeongguk confirmed. Taehyung nodded. "Where would you like it?"

Taehyung thought for a moment before pulling down the collar of his sweater to reveal his collarbone. "I want it here."

✔️ 𝐈𝐧𝐤𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 | 𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐠𝐠𝐮𝐤Where stories live. Discover now