Chapter Twenty-Three.

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When Taehyung and Jeongguk returned to Seoul the next morning, their lives returned to normal.

Jeongguk returned to work, and once he did, his fame only began to increase. He received a positive review from one of Korea's most famed tattoo artists, and many began to take notice of his work. People from around the country came to be tattooed by him, and he went from being booked for weeks to months.

Taehyung returned to university, and he was rewarded for his hard work and dedication by being granted a spot on the Dean's List. He also got his cast off, and he was ecstatic when he could walk again.

As the seasons turned from spring to summer, and their school year drew to a close, Taehyung passed all his exams with flying colors. Jeongguk passed as well, thanks to many hours of tireless tutoring with Taehyung. Through it all, they continued to love each other deeper each passing day. Their separate lives quickly entwined into one.

It was a beautiful morning in June when Taehyung approached Jeongguk's tattoo parlor. After all this time, they still maintained the temporary tattoo through regular appointments. However, for Taehyung, today was going to be a little different. He was going to ask Jeongguk to make the tattoo permanent.

"Hey," Taehyung said to Yoongi once inside. The elder, who was currently inking a client, glanced up at him and nodded. Despite the black, cloth mask covering the lower portion of his face, Taehyung could tell from his eyes that he was smiling the same gummy smile as always.

"Is he here yet?" Taehyung asked.

"No, but you can head back. He woke up late."

Taehyung grinned to himself as he headed back towards the familiar tattoo station, pulling his sweater over his head before sitting down. Jeongguk wasn't one to be on time some days.

He hadn't been sitting there for long until Jeongguk appeared, slightly out of breath, yet smiling. Taehyung couldn't help but break into a grin when he saw his boyfriend.

"So, you're late again," Taehyung mused.

"Sorry, baby," Jeongguk huffed, not taking any extra time before snapping the black latex gloves onto his hands. "I was up late last night."

"Playing Overwatch?"

Jeongguk reddened. "Maybe."

Taehyung gave him a small smile before watching as Jeongguk pulled the same black box out of the cupboard.

"Ggukie, wait."

Jeongguk turned around, the box in his hand. "What?"

Taehyung immediately felt self-conscious. He had technically wasted six months of Jeongguk's time with these appointments, and now he felt slightly stupid with what he was about to ask. "I want you to give me a real tattoo."

Jeongguk stared at him for a moment, the only movement being him blinking. Then, he placed the box on the counter before leaning against the counter. "What happened with Seokjin? Did he figure out it was fake?"

Taehyung grinned. He certainly was glad it wasn't that. "No, I haven't seen him in awhile. He's been more reclusive lately, and our group of 'friends' has no idea what happened to him." He then paused, thinking about what he wanted to say. "This tattoo has garnered a lot of meaning for me in the last few months. Some days, I find myself forgetting about my friend and his passing, but the tattoo helps me remember, so I want it to be permanent."

Jeongguk nodded slowly. "What about your parents? They'll be pissed."

"I don't really care about what they think anymore," Taehyung told him, biting his lip. "I'm going into my final year of university now. I'm a lot different than the boy they sent away when he was 18."

✔️ 𝐈𝐧𝐤𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 | 𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐠𝐠𝐮𝐤Where stories live. Discover now