Chapter Thirty-Five.

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"Alright, so we have everything," Jeongguk commented, gazing at all the food they had in front of them. They had decided to make tteokbokki, as it was a simple yet delicious dish.

"That means we need to start boiling some water for the anchovies," Taehyung responded.

Once they had the anchovies and the water heating up on the stove, Jeongguk pulled a bottle of flower wine out of the fridge. He held up the bottle with a grin.

"Do you drink?"


"Is now one of those times?"

"It could be."

Jeongguk grinned and walked to where the glasses were, and Taehyung noticed that as he brushed past him, he ran his hand lightly along Taehyung's lower back. Even with that simple touch, he still felt the butterflies immediately appear in his chest, and he couldn't help but smile to himself as he peered into the pot to see how the mixture was doing.

"Here's your glass," Jeongguk said as he set the wine down beside Taehyung. Taehyung thanked him before he began to remove the anchovies from the water.

"Throw these away for me please," Taehyung asked, and once again, when Jeongguk brushed past him, his hand gently found its way across his lower back. Clearly, even though they had been dating for a few months, Taehyung was still completely smitten for his boyfriend. He blushed.

Taehyung mixed a few of the ingredients in a bowl before dumping that and the rice cakes into the water that was boiling, and once he had everything cooking smoothly, he picked up the wine and tasted it.

"How's the wine?" Jeongguk asked, taking a sip for himself.

"It's good," Taehyung told him with a smile. "Very flowery."

Jeongguk laughed. "You're such a dork, Taehyung. You know that it doesn't take like flowers."

Taehyung found himself laughing too, and he looked at the liquid that was in his hand. "It doesn't, I just have no clue how to describe the taste of alcohol."

"So when you said that you drink sometimes, you meant almost never?" he asked. Taehyung looked at him for a moment before sighing in defeat.

"Look, the last time I drank was the night we met on the balcony," Taehyung said. "You saw how I was-I was a mess."

Jeongguk took a sip of his wine, and Taehyung noticed that he was grinning the entire time he did. When he tilted his head back to drink, his dark brown hair fell backward, exposing his forehead, which made him appear entirely different. His features seemed more prominent now, and it was devastatingly attractive, so much so that Taehyung couldn't look away. Jeongguk noticed him staring at him before setting his glass down and walking over to Taehyung, wrapping his arms around his lower torso and laughing.

"Jeongguk!" Taehyung giggled, secretly enjoying this gesture more than he let on. "How am I supposed to cook dinner when you're holding me hostage?"

Jeongguk held on a few more seconds before reluctantly letting Taehyung go and stepping so he was beside him.

"Sorry, Tae-ah, I couldn't resist. You looked so adorable that I had to do that," he huffed. Taehyung looked up at him and stuck his tongue out before laughing.

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