Chapter Twenty-Five.

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After watching Jeongguk disappear, Taehyung stormed back inside his apartment. Mind reeling, his fingers absentmindedly pulled his phone out of his pocket before dialing a familiar number.

Ring, ring, ring, click! "Taehyung? What's up?"

"Hey, Jimin," Taehyung said, a small wave of relief flooding his body at the familiar voice of his best friend. "Can I come over?"

There was a small pause. "Yeah, of course. What's wrong?"

"I'll tell you when I get there," Taehyung replied. "I'll be over soon."

After hanging up, Taehyung immediately went to his freezer and pulled out multiple containers. Ice cream, edible cookie dough, and after scavenging through his cabinets, a couple containers of instant ramen had all been placed inside a plastic grocery bag. All he wanted to do was eat his feelings and spend time with his best friend, so that's exactly what he was going to do.

Taehyung then exited his apartment, treading down the flights of stairs as he called an Uber. Usually, he wouldn't distract himself whilst flying down the stairs as he currently was, but he was preoccupied with thoughts of Jeongguk.

Twenty minutes later, Taehyung found himself on the doorstep of Jimin's apartment. It was located in a more affluent part of Seoul, as his parents had wanted him to live in a nicer place. It might've been a little far from the campus of their University, but that had never bothered Jimin.

As soon as Taehyung rapped his knuckles on the door, he was greeted by the muted yaps of a dog, and Taehyung wondered just how long it had been since he was last inside Jimin's apartment. He had completely forgotten about Ddosun, Jimin's dog.

With the click of the door unlocking, Jimin opened the door with Ddosun in his arms. Taehyung smiled down at Ddosun, but the moment his eyes met Jimin's soft and sympathetic ones, he burst into tears.

"Oh, Tae!" Jimin gushed, setting Ddosun down and rushing forward to hug his friend. Taehyung immediately buried his head in Jimin's shoulder as the older rubbed his back. "What happened?"

Taehyung simply blubbered in response, not being able to form words. He was too upset to do anything but cry into Jimin's shoulder, all the while Jimin murmured soothing words to him.

Eventually, Taehyung composed himself enough to remove his head from Jimin's shoulder and straighten his neck, but he still felt small and weak. He knew his cheeks were puffy and red, and he hated it. He must've looked pathetic.

"Let's go inside, okay?" Jimin suggested softly. Taehyung nodded, and he followed his friend inside the spacious apartment. Despite his current situation, he still had it in him to appreciate where Jimin lived. It was very modern, having been recently built, yet it was littered with dog toys, knick-knacks, and cute furniture that Jimin had placed throughout the apartment.

No matter how hard Jimin tried to appear grown-up, the small, adorable parts of his personality leaked through his outer façade into his actions and words more often than not.

Jimin led Taehyung to the couch, where he gently removed the bag from Taehyung's grasp and quickly went to grab spoons. When he returned, he placed the items on the coffee table and hopped on the couch to cuddle up to Taehyung.

"Do you wanna tell me what happened?" Jimin inquired, his voice still relatively soft and gentle. Taehyung nodded, resting his head on Jimin's shoulder.

Taehyung told Jimin of all the events of the morning, not leaving anything out. He wanted to get it out, and telling the older was the best way to do so.

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