Chapter Twenty-Two.

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The next morning, after a very sleepless night, Taehyung pulled himself out of bed reluctantly. Jeongguk had slept like a baby throughout the night, and his well-rested state was evident by his glowing face and happy attitude. Obviously, he had not been as affected as Taehyung by the events of the previous day.

"We should go to the Gangneung Jungang Market today," Jeongguk called from the bathroom. Taehyung could tell that he was brushing his teeth, as his words were muffled.

"Is that far?"

"No, it's in town."

Taehyung pulled out his phone and quickly typed the name of the place into his web browser. The pictures showed a variety of street vendors, all selling some sort of food that they had made. The food did look delicious, and Taehyung's stomach was rumbling.

"Looks good to me," Taehyung called back.

After they had both gotten ready for the day, they took a bus into the town so they could visit the market. The second they stepped off the bus, they were hit with an immediate wave of many different foods. Rice cakes, meat, stews, spices, and more created an amalgamation of incredible scents.

"Wow," Taehyung gaped. He had seen many food markets in Seoul, but this one seemed much more personal. There were fresh fruits, vegetables, seafood, and there were even small clothing shops advertising socks with strange patterns.

"Look," Jeongguk said, pointing to a vendor not far from where they stood. "That dakgangjeong looks really good."

Taehyung's eyes trailed where Jeongguk was pointing, and his mouth immediately began to water at the sight of the fried chicken. "Let's go there!"

The pair made their way over to the food stall, which had a decently sized queue forming in front of it.

"The website said that even in the mornings, these places can get pretty crowded," Taehyung commented, craning his neck to see inside the stall. There were only two men inside, one taking orders and the other quickly moving around to cook the delectable food. Taehyung couldn't believe how fast he not only diced the chicken, but how fast he also prepared the sauce for the next batch.

"I'd like to see Yoongi cook that fast," Jeongguk mused. Taehyung smiled at him, thinking back to when he was in the hospital and Jeongguk had brought him some food that his roommate had cooked.

"You're making me too hungry," Taehyung replied. "That japchae he made was the best I've ever had."

"It is pretty good," Jeongguk agreed. They shuffled forward a few more steps as the couple a few steps away from them received their food. Jeongguk then ordered for them, getting enough dakgangjeong to feed an entire family. It wasn't long until they were walking away with a few steaming plates of the slightly red chicken.

After they found a table nearby to sit at, Taehyung stared longingly at the chicken as he grabbed his chopsticks. The sauce covering the chicken was thick and red, and upon taking the first bite, Taehyung knew he must've been in heaven. The sticky, sweet sauce coated his tongue, bringing with it a firm spice that made his face feel warm. He couldn't get enough.

"Do you think they'll give me their recipe?" Jeongguk asked, his voice thick from the copious amounts of chicken he was eating. "I think I'm in love with the guy who made it."

Taehyung giggled, taking another bite. He might've been concerned if he wasn't also eating it. "If you ask, give it to me, too. I'd consider learning how to cook if I could make something this good."

It didn't take long for them to finish the chicken, and once they did, Taehyung couldn't help craving more. He was sure he was going to be in a food coma soon, but that didn't matter to him. He and Jeongguk would most likely pass out when they returned to their hotel later.

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