Chapter Twelve.

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When Taehyung pulled away, it didn't stop the butterflies in his stomach from fluttering rampantly.

He and Jeongguk had locked gazes, and he couldn't look away. Every sense of longing and love he felt for the younger swirled around inside him, and he found himself connecting his lips with Jeongguk's once more.

"So, does this help cure your hospital-ridden depression now?" Jeongguk asked lightly once they broke apart.

Taehyung laughed and touched his forehead to Jeongguk's.

"You know it does."

"You two seem awfully touchy today."

It was the next morning, and Jeongguk had stayed the night in the hospital with Taehyung. They spent most of the night cuddling, talking about their dreams, and telling each other whatever came to mind.

Taehyung and Jeongguk were forced to end their conversation, and the dyad looked at the figure in the threshold of the white room.

Jimin was standing there, awkwardly avoiding eye contact with the two of them.

Jeongguk, who was laying on the hospital bed next to Taehyung, sat up and cleared his throat with an unsure smile.

"Hey, Jimin," Taehyung smiled. The older, who had a bag of takeout in his hand, smiled back.

"Hey, Tae. How're you feeling?"

"Really good!" He paused there, wanting to tell his best friend about his escapade with Jeongguk, but he wanted to wait until Jeongguk had gone. It would be awkward to talk about him in front of him. Instead, he bit his lip and said nothing.

"I have some bibimbap and samgyeopsal for you, if you're hungry," Jimin told his friend. He shot a fleeting glance at Jeongguk before returning his eyes to Taehyung.

Jeongguk, picking up on the tone of the room, stood and grabbed his jacket off of the spare hospital bed.

"I should go," he told them. "I have a client soon, and I lost track of time."

"Okay," Taehyung said, watching Jeongguk bustle around the room to collect his things. "Thank you—for everything."

Jeongguk beamed at Taehyung, and despite all his tattoos and piercings, he managed to resemble a bunny. "Of course, hyung! I'll see you later."

After the door had shut, signaling that Jeongguk was officially gone, a smile slowly creeped across Jimin's rosy cheeks as he stared at Taehyung. When the grin reached it's peak, Jimin's eyes had disappeared. He laughed to himself and covered him mouth with his small hand.

"What?" Taehyung had an awkward smile on his face, slightly exasperated. "Don't look at me like that."

"You have a boyfriend!" Jimin exclaimed giddily.

Taehyung shook his head fervently. "He's not my boyfriend! We just—nevermind."

Jimin bounded over to his best friend, setting the takeout on the small plastic table between the two hospital beds. He sat down and looked happily at Taehyung.

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