Chapter Nineteen.

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When Taehyung crutched into Jeongguk's apartment later that afternoon, he was shocked by what he saw before him.

On the couch, cuddling with Jeongguk's roommate, was Jung Hoseok.

Taehyung hadn't seen him since right after he had gotten his 'tattoo', and he didn't look much different. His hair was the same orange tone, yet he currently had no makeup on. He looked good.

"Taehyung?" Hoseok gawked. "What are you doing here?"

Yoongi turned around too, simply gazing at the pair that had just entered the apartment. "Hey, Ggukie," he greeted.

Jeongguk smiled at him. He then turned his attention to Taehyung. "You know Hoseok?"

Taehyung nodded slowly, not once taking his eyes off of the orange-haired beauty in front of him. Mostly, he was surprised that Hoseok had settled down and stayed with someone for more than a night. Jeongguk had mentioned months ago that Yoongi had a boyfriend. Yoongi must be really special for Hoseok to have stayed with him for this long.

"Hey, Taehyung," Hoseok bubbled. "Long time no see, yeah?"

Taehyung nodded, and some small part of him told him he was rude for not smiling back. He plastered a small grin on his face and bowed. "It's been awhile."

"How have you been?" Hoseok questioned nonchalantly.

"Good," Taehyung said, but his voice was distant. He was never sure how to feel about Hoseok; he was friends with Seokjin, but he had always stood up for Taehyung when he felt that Seokjin's rude comments had gone too far. His past filled with numerous affairs was a well-known fact about him, and Taehyung wondered if Yoongi knew.

Either way, it wasn't his business to bring it up.

"Now I know it's you who makes Jeongguk smile at his phone," Hoseok commented. "I guess the tattoo makes sense now, too. Only Jeongguk's work is that exquisite."

"Yah!" Yoongi piped up. "I'm also a tattoo artist, lest we forget."

Hoseok giggled and poked Yoongi's nose. Yoongi turned a brilliant shade of red before turning around to face the television once again, his arms crossed across his chest. Hoseok definitely had a way with men.

An awkward silence filled the air for a moment, Hoseok mumbling something unintelligible to Yoongi as Jeongguk beckoned Taehyung to follow him to his bedroom. While they were walking there, Jeongguk looked over his shoulder and connected eyes with Yoongi.

"We're going to Gangneung for a few days," he told his friend. Yoongi's eyebrows furrowed.

"Just like that? What about your clients?"

Jeongguk shot Yoongi a look that said more than any words could at the moment before speaking. "We need to get away. Besides, I've already called and rescheduled all my clients. We should be back on Monday morning in time for my 14:00 appointment."

Yoongi nodded slowly as Jeongguk and Taehyung disappeared inside the youngest's room.

"You really don't like colors, do you?" Taehyung observed, watching Jeongguk stuff a few black shirts and one white tank top into a bag.

"I don't mind them," Jeongguk replied, holding up his arms and pointing to various colored tattoos. "I just like monochrome clothes."

Taehyung chuckled, looking around the room. Besides a few shirts on the floor and the messy bed, the room was relatively clean. The bed was pressed against a large window that stretched from floor to ceiling, and Taehyung could only imagine how sunsets and the night sky looked from that window.

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