Chapter Thirty-Seven.

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When Taehyung heard the click of the gun, he closed his eyes and made himself as small as possible in hopes that his death would be quick and painless. He did not expect to die that night, yet he accepted that there was nothing he would be able to do about it.

At that moment, it occurred to him that he still had so much life to live. He was only 21, and here he was, about to die. What had he accomplished with his life? What had he not accomplished? He hadn't even gotten to tell Jeongguk that he loved him one last time.

Jimin's body still lay on the ground, and Taehyung acknowledged the fact that he would never be able to thank Jimin for everything he had done for him. His life was fleeting, and his last seconds spent alive were full of thoughts of things he hadn't said or done. It hurt to think about.

Then, for some reason, Taehyung did not die. A gun was fired, and Taehyung's life flashed before his eyes as he waited for the bullet to strike him, yet it never did. For a moment, he thought it had hit Jimin, but Jimin was still laying on the ground, no gunshot wounds visible. Then, Taehyung turned his eyes towards Seokjin.

Just beneath Seokjin's collarbone, in the exact same spot that Taehyung had his tattoo, was a fresh bullet hole, and blood was spurting forth from it. Seokjin looked slightly angry and confused for a second before staggering backwards, dropping the gun and falling to the ground. The gun made a painfully loud clang on the concrete flooring before everything went silent for a moment.

Then, police officers rushed into the room. Most of them went towards Seokjin to detain him and provide him with the medical assistance that they could until the paramedics arrived. A few officers checked on Taehyung and Jimin, focusing on the latter and making sure he was still alive. They told Taehyung that the paramedics would be there soon.

After the short conversation, Taehyung allowed his body to fall back onto the old carpet, closing his eyes as the commotion around him became more chaotic. Somehow, though, it felt as if everything had been put in slow-motion. The shouting voices of the policemen were distant, and Taehyung simply laid there, thinking.

Seokjin had a brother once. That brother happened to be Minhyun. He knew that now.

Minhyun was dead. He knew that already.

Seokjin may be dead. He wasn't so sure he knew that.

And still, after all the years of psychological abuse and torture, after the multiple attempts at his life, Taehyung still felt a pang of pity for Seokjin deep down. The grief of losing his brother and the abuse from his childhood had rewired his brain, turning his pain into a searing hot desire for revenge. Taehyung hoped they would be lenient when they held Seokjin accountable for his actions in a court of law. Nobody should have to endure what he had.

From then until the next morning, Taehyung did not remember much. He was taken in an ambulance to the hospital, where the doctors joked with him that he was becoming too frequent of a guest. He forced a laugh. He then received an X-Ray of his leg, which determined that the bullet was much too close to an artery to be left inside.

You're lucky, Taehyung. Had that bullet gone a hair's width further to the right, you would be dead.

Against all odds, Taehyung had stayed alive despite the numerous attacks, despite the grief, despite the pain. It felt as if life were telling him that there was a reason he was breathing.

Just before Taehyung succumbed to the anesthetic that would make him unconscious for his surgery, the corners of his lips upturned ever so slightly.

He was alive, and that was enough for him.


"Taehyung!" Jeongguk cried, rushing into the hospital room the next morning. He took no time at all to wrap his arms around his sleepy boyfriend, allowing the tears to finally escape his eyes.

"I'm okay, I'm okay," Taehyung reassured, his voice slightly hoarse. "I feel fine, really."

Jeongguk then pulled away.

"You scared the shit out of me, baby," Jeongguk scolded. "I thought you were dead! God, I can't believe you made it out alive. I love you so much, you crazy, crazy person. I love you more than anything."

Taehyung held in a laugh as Jeongguk peppered him with kisses, tears still streaming down his cheeks.

"Ggukie, it's okay," Taehyung chuckled. "I really, truly am fine. Especially now that you're here."

Jeongguk nodded, taking Taehyung's hand and lacing their fingers together. "What even happened last night?"

"So much," Taehyung said, closing his eyes momentarily. "I have so much to tell you. About everything."

Jeongguk nodded solemnly, but his eyes showed Taehyung how invested he was in the story already.

"Tell me everything."


The next few nights, Jeongguk and Taehyung stayed together, Jeongguk sleeping on a small cot next to the window. Jimin came by every day for hours, bringing in various foods and games to play. Yoongi and Hoseok also came by to visit when they weren't busy with their respective jobs, and they partook in the games.

The journey of Taehyung's recovery would be a rough one, and he knew that. Of course, he wasn't sure what would come next. He no longer had his apartment, and his parents stopped paying for his university. Despite this, though, he would make it work. Even if he had to get multiple jobs, he would figure it out with Jeongguk at his side.

Through it all, one thing was proven to Taehyung time and time again: he had more people that cared for him than he knew, and they were always there for him.

He didn't much believe in fate or destiny, but by some whim of the universe, it was an inkling of fate that he was here now, surrounded by people who cared for him and wished him well.

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