Chapter Twenty-Seven.

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Jimin glanced at his phone, stroking Ddosun's fur with his free hand. Taehyung had told him he would call when he was home safely, yet he hadn't so far. He had left Jimin's apartment roughly thirty minutes ago.

The rain clouds outside began to release their droplets, bringing with them an almost deafening roar as they hit the windows and balcony. The television illuminated the dark room, flashing different colors onto the wall and Ddosun's soft fur. However, Jimin paid no attention to his surroundings. All he could do was gaze at his phone, eyebrows furrowed.

Eventually, a call did come through, but not from Taehyung. It was Jeongguk.

Jimin frowned and tapped the green 'Answer' button, lifting the phone to his ear. "Jeongguk? Why are you-"

"Taehyung," Jungkook rushed, his voice panicked. "Call the police right now."

Jimin felt dread overtake his nervous system. "What? What happened?"

"We were calling and-and someone started beating him-outside his apartment. Call the police!"

Jeongguk hung up.

Despite the numbness overtaking his body, Jimin's shaky fingers dialed 112 onto his keypad. The phone rang a few times until a woman picked up.

"Hello. 112, what's your emergency?"

"My friend is hurt, he might be dead or something, I don't know, I hope to God he isn't dead, holy sh-" he rushed.

"Sir, please calm down," the woman interrupted gently. "Where is your friend?"

Jimin gave her the address, having to repeat it a few times because he kept rushing through the numbers. Eventually, the woman assured him that the police were on their way to his location and hung up.

Jimin sat on the couch for a few seconds more, his head spinning. He couldn't feel any of his limbs, and he felt his lip quiver. Someone was out to get Taehyung, and they were doing a damn good job finding him.

After gathering his thoughts, Jimin got up off the couch clumsily, disturbing Ddosun and sending the TV remote flying onto the ground. However, he paid no attention to the remote, and he only gave Ddosun a funny sort of pat on the head as an apology.

He knew they would be taking Taehyung to the hospital, so Jimin figured he should go there. He also knew there wouldn't be many Ubers out now, so he made the impulsive decision to run to the hospital.

Jimin quickly grabbed an umbrella from the holder by his door, then opening it and dashing out. His mind and body coursed with adrenaline more and more with each movement he made, and he found himself running down the steps of his building. He then pushed open the lobby door, and once the sound of the raindrops became louder than ever, Jimin sprinted down the street. He had to get to his friend.

Taehyung had to be okay.


After a painful run to the hospital, Jimin arrived in front of the glowing white building after roughly thirty minutes. He panted heavily, and for a moment he thought he was going to vomit. However, this thought was immediately pushed to the back of his mind. He had to find Taehyung.

Jimin decided that his best bet was to enter through the emergency room, so he ran over to a few ambulances parked in front of a large set of doors. He pulled the doors open and went inside, haphazardly closing his umbrella as he did.

"Can I help you, sir?" a woman asked, presumably an ER doctor.

Jimin swallowed what tasted like blood before nodding, his eyes darting around in search of the familiar face. "My friend might be here."

✔️ 𝐈𝐧𝐤𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 | 𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐠𝐠𝐮𝐤Where stories live. Discover now