Chapter 14

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• "Better to Have Loved" by Keke Palmer •

• "Better to Have Loved" by Keke Palmer •( I LOVE THIS SONG BTW!)

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          Dominique cringed when Tone placed his plump lips on her cheek to greet her. When he pulled away, she realized he was smirking. Tone knew the effect he had on Dominique and often found ways to use it against her.

"How you been?" He asked her as he sat down across the table.

Dominique picked up her menu, "I've been good, you?"

"Getting by," he sipped a bit of his lemonade. As he sipped, he gazed at her intensely.

She could feel her body immediately react as it heated up. Once he finished drinking, he softly bit at his bottom lip.

That's one thing she loved about him, his lips. They were so soft, juicy, and plump that it made her want to kiss him endlessly every time she seen him.

"I already know why you called me over here." He spoke up.

Dominique raised her eyebrows, "Oh really?"

"Yeah," He scratched under his chin. "We need to learn how to communicate as adults. Not just for us but for Cass, especially."

Dominique's eyes grew wide, shocked at his response. Tone was beginning to show me that he was maturing and she was almost proud.

Over the last few years, Dominique had been trying to mold Tone into be the man she needed him to be for Cassidy. However, Dominique realized she can't make anyone do something they clearly weren't ready or willing to do.

"We both love Cass, that's not up for discussion." Dominique placed her hands on her lap. "But I need for us to be able to have a conversation without a full-on argument breaking out."

"I agree."

Tone sat down his menu, "I love you, Dom, and your judgement of me as a parent means a lot to me. I hate when you look down on me because I can't fulfill Cass' needs."

"You don't know how happy I am to hear this from you after so long." Dominique sighed out of relief.

She put both of her hands on the table, getting ready to pick up the menu. She finally decide what she was going to eat.

Suddenly, Tone gently grabbed both of her hands.

"I'm really sorry, Dom, for everything. Lately I been thinking back to our old days and I keep shaking my head at all the bad decisions I made. I was young but I'm grown now. I can't take back what I did and what I put you through, but I can start showing you how sorry I am."

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