Chapter 22

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"That was so good, baby," Dominique congratulated Cassidy as she held her deep in her chest. "You did an amazing job."

The both of them were standing backstage of the enormous auditorium. Other parents and their children crowded around them. Cassidy's age group had just finished dancing, and now it was time for the older kids to have their shine.

Cassidy swayed from left to right, maintaining the prettiest but most child-like smile. Her crooked teeth were on full display.

"Thank you, mommy," Cassidy leaned beside her mom, searching for something. "Where's daddy?"

Dominique's face straightened. She knew this moment would've came sooner or later. At some point, Cassidy would notice her father's absence at her recitals.

"He couldn't make it again, Cass," Dominique broke the news. "But he said he was gonna try to make it next time."

Cassidy frown stuck out. It was more prominent than her other features. She was hoping that her father would be able to make it to this particular recital.

Cassidy had finally lucked up and earned her first solo. It was a monumental moment for her and she expected both her parents to attend.

"That's okay, mommy," Cassidy's fiddled with the wings of her ladybug costume. "Did you take a video to show him later?"

Dominique responded by nodding. She remembered the previous recitals where Cassidy almost threw a tantrum because her mother forgot to record her performance.

"Come on," Dominique held out her hand, waiting for Cassidy to grab it. "Let's go sign you out."


Dominique gently slapped at Cassidy's hand from the front seat. The wild girl was trying to stuff her face with fries before she and Dominique even got a chance to leave the drive-thru of the fast-food restaurant.

The sudden action caused Cassidy to hold her hand dramatically. She was really hungry and eager to eat.

"Act right in this car, girl!" Dominique turned back around in her seat to drive off.

Dominique had decided to stop for food since Cassidy had done so well tonight. She was beginning to regret her choice because Cassidy didn't know how to act.

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