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This is dedicated to my friend, who I owe a birthday gift for the 31st of August. Happy happy birthday love Gulsen Armutcu!! Lots of love and belated happy birthday!


            I ran after her.

            I ran after her, but she was too quick to start up and speed off her nice car from the car park. As soon as I pressed the button to the car keys I’m holding, I felt a warm hard hand turn me around to face him and I am completely surprised to see Niall, fuming.

            “Don’t.” He said flatly. “Let her be, just for now.”

            I swatted his hand off my shoulder and I don’t know why my brows are almost touching each other on my forehead and where in the hell this rage inside me is coming from. Why am I feeling this mad? Seriously? Do I really want to fight with Niall because of a girl. She may no be just another girl, but I had been with Niall for a very long time. We were brothers before I even met her. We are brothers.

            “I just have to.”

            “I’m telling you not to.” He raised his voice and stood tougher.

            “You don’t tell me what to fucking do with my life, Niall.” I shouted. He was shocked to here something like this from me, but I should let this all out tonight. Not tomorrow, not the next fucking day, but tonight, right now.

            “Oh right.” His expression is sarcastic. “The last time I checked you do what you wanted, it messes you up that you bring everything down, till now. You’re so fucked up that you didn’t even let her explain herself to you, man. You are so blinded by the idea that she intended not to tell you nor to tell me, and you were so fucking dumb ass stupid to set her up like that, meeting me and catching her off guard. You are so fucked up that you just thought of how you feel. You are so fucked up and didn’t even realize that you are fucking giving her a very shit of a hard time to just explain herself. You didn’t even try to hear her out. And now, she’s blaming herself. She was so fucking sorry that everything had gone this long way. She was even sorry for herself that she lost some stupid shit of a selfish bastard who she felt and believed helped her get over and to take the first step to move on from her bitter past.” He exhaled a bit from shouting. “Where in fact, that should be fucking me, Harry! And now, you are wasting your goddamn time because of your pride and selfishness. Don’t you think she’s not hurt? She was bearing and carrying all burdens to herself, but all of it is slipping away because of you, because of how you can make her feel so happy and light. Like what the fuck man, why do you have to do this shit to her? She doesn’t deserve this. She doesn’t deserve you, someone like you, as selfish as you!” He suddenly grabbed me by my shirt and pushed me against the truck so hard, pressing my back against the cold metal.

            His face so red and I can see the tears filling up his eyes and threatening to fall down anytime. His tight grip is shaking. His gritted teeth are shaking and his saliva was filling up his mouth too.

            Ashton and Calum who Niall came in with were quick to go between us. I wasn’t going to do anything, because I am lifeless and numb. I can’t feel anything just the heat that reached my cheekbones and I was on the floor kissing the back tires of the truck.

            I can’t hear anything anymore, nothing makes sense. All I can feel is the rushing blood through every single vein in my body as I think of how I left my dear little miss, crying on the stairs back at the studio.

            I didn’t realize I was crying till I stood up. My face all wet, my hair is damp and Ashton is in front of me, telling me things or maybe asking me. I can’t clearly hear.

            I stood unsteadily and reached to open the door and I climbed up spitting some blood on the cold cemented floor.

            I wiped my eyes with my scarf tightly around my head and back out of the parking space then drove away. I may not find her anywhere but I think I know one place she goes to clear her mind.

            I drove there, keeping myself easy but I can’t. I’m too hot, my cheeks are hot and I don’t even care bout my phone buzzing in my jeans pocket. That wouldn’t be my little miss for sure. Her phone was left at the pub.

            I drove past all the red lights, beating the speed limit even the Rover won’t stop beeping for reaching beyond the speed limit set here.

            I slowed down at once I get a sight of her posh car meters away. Screeched tires were evident on the asphalt road. As soon as I realized she hit some closed stands and the light post bent, flickering, I pressed harder on the gas pedal praying and hoping she wasn’t there even though I may know she was.

            My shoulders immediately dropped and I know I am shaking and tears started to blur my vision again, but I wiped it off at once with my bare hands. I carelessly stepped on the brakes and unbuckled the seatbelt and rushed to the girl in the driver’s seat, her head lifelessly resting on the wheel with the white emergency balloon filled with blood.

            “Baby?” I called as I carefully try to lift her body out there, but the belt was jammed.

            “Baby, please stay with me. I’m so sorry.”


Here's my short treat to all of you! I got in. I got the job with a nice pay and tax free!! Anyway, I hope you all like this, though this should be before the 38th. Lol. I know you are all guessing who came with Perrie at the coffee shop to meet Charis... I want to hear your guesses!!! Love you all. Sorry this is short, but atleast I updated tonight. There will br more on Friday <3 loveya

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