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“You’ll do great..” I told her after she sighed for the 12th time.

She sighed again and decided to look outside by her window. I reached for her hand and she gripped on mine tighter than I expected. Her palms are warm but her fingertips are cold and sweating.

I continued driving and following the GPS she had set before we are off the road.

She sighed again before looking towards me. “Do you… I mean, do you… I…” She stuttered and was quite shaking. So I bring her hands to my lips to give it a soft and long kiss before putting it back intertwined on top of her lap. She shifted on her seat even with the seatbelt on to face me, her back leaning against her door. Her both hands playing with mine. The same thing she does on her ripped jeans.

I hummed so she’d realize I’m all ears when she’s talking, no matter where or who’s with us. I’m all ears. I’m all hers.

“I thought, would she.. uhm, you know, accept my apologies…” She derailed looking down on her new found toy.

“Are you kidding me?” I snorted, trying to make her smile. “No one says no to you, you’re a brat, remember?” I cocked a brow and saw a slight smile from her pale lips.

“Come on babe,” I tugged at her both small warming hands. “You’re mum will love to see you. She’s your mum after all.”

“I know..” She exhaled the long breathe she had been keeping for a couple of minutes. “I just.. I still can’t grasp everything.. She’ll marry another guy, will have a new family, new sons or maybe daughters..” She let go of my hand leaving it on her lap as she exasperatedly ran her hands to the sides of her head down to the tips of her hair.

“So that’s what its all about then?” I looked at her as soon as we’re parked at the studio. She just waved to the security who I assumed knew her already.

“Yes.” She sighed defeated.

I released my belt and faced her, holding her both hands into mine. She’s pouting. Her eyes are down to her lap.

“I won’t leave you.” I told her and her eyes meet mine at once. She’s biting her cheeks from inside again. “That’s not just a promise, Lynn. I’m serious. If you think that I’d do the same, sorry to disappoint you, babe, I will never leave you.”

She cupped my cheek and scooted forward and placed a dry, slow motion kiss on mine. My heart skipped a beat or two.

Her eyes are shining with threatening tears as I open my eyes.

I savor the moment to look into her, into her eyes for a while, admiring her face, her lashes, her brows, her nose scrunching up as she brush it on mine. So my reflexes decided to steal a kiss from her.

She playfully pushed me by my shoulder but I caught her hand and reached for the other, bringing it to my face and kiss them both.

“Shall we, my lady?” I mimicked an older British accent. She giggled and so I stepped out of the car to open the door for my lady.

“I know this may sound soon, but, have you seriously thought that I can leave you?” I asked as we walk towards the busy studio entrance and people and staff starting to look. Her hand or maybe her arm snaked around my arm and nothing feels like home when she’s so near me.

“I don’t know, Harry.” She whispered. “I really can’t talk about that right now.”

Before I cold even think of word to calm her, I placed my hand on the small of her back to keep her walking; she seemed to be discouraged by a lot of people especially when a loud man started to welcome us with open arms.

“Honey,” I can tell he’s gay by the way he talks and stares at the both of us. He gave Charis a kiss on both cheeks and my little miss, as shy as she is reluctantly let go of my arm to give this man a soft hug. “I thought you wouldn’t come. I kept on bugging Madame ___gran___, but she’s confident that you’ll show up.”

“Well,” She replied with the softest tone I’ve ever heard from her. She’s uneasy with this man, I can say. “I’m here.” The man looked at me then to Charis like three times before my little miss thought of introducing us. She’s so occupied so I decided to ask Henry where her mum is. He brought up few current issues about Charis’ pulled out role from the broadway and issues between me and Niall. I let out a heavy sigh, keeping my balled fist behind her. She reached for it and held it, drawing circles on my skin.

“Henry,” Her mum exhaled. A black pencil sticking to her messy bun, glasses slid down the tip of her nose. Her mum is gorgeous as her. No wonder beauty runs in the family. “Where have you been? The artists…” She stopped at her tracks as soon as she saw her daughter few feet from her. Charis tightened her hands in mine and I squeezed it back in response, now is my time to make her relax.

“Hey mum.” She said, fake smiling. Her brows are both cocking and I know her cheeks and the tips of her ears are starting to have colors.

“Oh god, honey.” She exhaled louder than earlier. She hand the things that occupies her hand to Henry and took Charis from me. I mean, she pulled Charis into a tight hug so Charis pulled out her hand to give her back a hug.

I saw kiss her temple and continued rubbing her daughters back like she’s comforting her. “How are you my baby?” She wiped a threatening tear before it even roll down.

“Still breathing, I guess.” She shrugged. She sounds like a hard headed teenager, right? But coming up here is a huge step to her. She’s doing great, like what I told her many times on our way here.

She turned to me and I felt blood rushing from my guts up to my brain then back there. I can’t throw up. I guess, Charis is right, her mum can make you feel so small and intimidated, I don’t know if it’s because of her brows or her looks or her high-end reputation.

“You must be, Harry.” She said sniffing a little. “I mean, of course, I know you..” She chuckled to herself.

“Hi ma’am,” I gulped sticking out my shaking hand. “I’m Ha.. Harry, Harry Edward Styles.”

Instead of just shaking my hand, I decided to kiss the back of her hand. “Oh, young lad.” She giggled and pulled me into a hug with a tap on my shoulder.

“You look younger than in person,” I told her the truth.

“I get that a lot,” she said smiling.

“Oh, these are for you. I’m sorry.” I gave her the bunch of roses and she accepted it with red cheeks.

I hope this makes the rest of her day so they could both work out on their misunderstanding.

  few chapters to goooo and i think i neee to leave an author's note.. geeez. i always love you all!!!

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