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I turned off my phone and put it back on the night stand as I heard Gran’s shouting tone from the other line. I wasn’t even opening my eyes yet, why is she shouting? Did I do something wrong again? She’s mentioning something about Harry. She keeps on telling me to stay away from him. What’s that all about?

My face was still on the pillow when I open my eyes to see unfamiliar pillow case wrapping the soft inviting pillow. I snapped my head almost sitting up when I heard footsteps coming from downstairs. I am definitely not in my flat. Where am I again?

I flickered my eyes few more times before a familiar smiling face appeared. He is struggling in balancing something on his both hands.

“Breakfast in bed, your highness!” He announced with that husky voice followed by a wink.

I stand on my feet at once I saw his face redden because he’s having a hard time bringing us food up here. He should have put it on a tray right?

“No, no, no.” He stopped me and I gave a questioning look. “You should stay there, trust me.”

He settled two big mugs of hot drink that smells like dark chocolate and four sandwiches on a huge plate on the floor. He approached me, “You shouldn’t be standing; you should be sitting on the bed under this duvet, your back against the headboard.” He made me do all those, “That’s how it works in movies right, sweetheart?”

“Harry,” I told him, cupping his beautiful face between my cold hands after he tucked me in the warm covers of his bed.

“Are you cold, baby?” He said smiling as he holds my both hands off his face and gathered it together to blow some body heat.

I stared at him, his eyes seeing through my soul and I feel like kissing him with my morning breath.

“You know you can kiss me..” He smirked and I pouted. How does he know? He did that thing again, wiping his big soft hands to my face that made me blush more or so I think.

He then cupped my face and gave me a sweet morning kiss. Forget about the morning breath right. “Good morning to my sunshine.” He whispered and brushed his nose against mine. I smiled at our touch.

“You’re hungry.” I pressed my hand to his fine stomach as I heard it growl.

“You’re a distraction, you know that?” He told me before getting up, letting our hands hold for awhile and letting go.

We ate on his bed, my legs on top of his as I lean on him; talking about random stuff or more likely him, asking random stuff. He’s jumping from question to question but making sure that I finish every detail.

He’s an angel. He’s entirety is an angel and I’m so glad that my past is not bothering me whenever I spend time with him, neither my present bothers me and I don’t know if that’s a good or a bad thing to say right now.

“By the way,” He started again, “Have you talked to your mum yet?”

“Oh.” I looked down on my last bite.

“I’m sorry, babe.” He said immediately once I silently huffed my reply. “We can talk about other…”

“It’s okay,” I assured him. “I’m actually thinking of dropping by her place before the shoot later.”

He almost coughed out a bite on his second sandwich with eyes slightly tearing up. I hand him the mug of hot coco he made and hope that it would help. As I draw circles on his wide back, I stared at his redden face and he just looked into my eyes, the way he always does that makes my heart race.

“Why?” I finally asked and sat beside him.

“I thought we have the whole day to ourselves…” He answered after a good minute or two of thinking. “You’re leaving…” I tried to catch a glimpse of his glistening eyes but it kept on looking down his hands holding half of the well prepared food. I would admit, his sandwiches are better than mine, but I won’t let him know that. “And I’ll be on tour for months…. And you’ll be on your race… not to mention your other career… and then your classes will start again….”

“I gave up university.” I whispered. His eyes finally meet mine and I can say he can’t believe that I can do it. “Why?”

“I don’t feel like going this year… I’ve got a lot on my to-do’s in life more than studying.” I smiled and he nodded gazing away from my stare at once. So I continued, “And the race is just good for two to three months, plus my training...” He nodded again. “And,” I exhaled deeply and it’s his time to try to catch my eyes but I can’t look at him because this saddens me so much. “I lost the role, remember?”

“Hey,” He softly whispered bringing my face inches away from his. “We’ll find a better one, okay?” He said and I just shrugged pulling away from his comforting touch and resting my back against the head board.

“Come,” He said after I let him stare at me and wait for my unknown response. My head is just blank about it and I couldn’t cry more tears.

“Come on, babe.” He said as he slightly pulled me by my hand. I didn’t move and acted like I don’t have bones and just full of muscles or fats or whatever. He groaned smirking at me and just lifted me off the bed. I reached for his neck and hugged him tight and squealed to his shoulder.

“I know you’re waiting for that.” He smiled down at me and he sits himself on the carpeted floor, his both long legs around me as I sit on my legs tucked under my thighs. My back facing his chest and I can feel his warm breath brushing on the back of neck and made me literally shiver. He chuckled on that and just tightly wrapped his two arms around me and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. I blushed and my blood in my veins is flowing so fast.

He rested his chin on my left shoulder as he typed in the password. I shut my eyes and told me, “I’m changing my pass anyway,”

“Why?” I furrowed my brows as I look at him so close on my left. I wanted to kiss him. Why do I feel this every time?

He said he would change his pass to whatever is relevant to the both of us. He said we should be matching passwords and I teased him on that. We had a nice laugh, while we sit uncomfortably comfortable, occupying a very small space of his massive place.

He ended up filling up an online application form for a Disney broadway showing next year and yes, the musical play is from the movie Frozen. It is funny how he knows the story more than I and explained himself that Lux, daughter of the band’s hairstylist had been watching that movie more than five times a day and singing the exact same song whenever and wherever she can.

I am so not confident about this application but he made me feel so okay with it. I know he’s trying his best to make me feel better out of the situation and I am so grateful that he is trying and it is helping a lot.

A twitter tab on his browser is open so I touched the pad to open it. He told me not to go over it and I sensed seriousness on his tone. I pushed to look over it and he didn’t speak, he just rested his hand on the sides of my lap since his macbook is on me.

A tear rolled down my eyes after scrolling more and more on his timeline…

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