The Heist (4)

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You and Evie were walking through the halls to Jay, Carlos, Chris and Ryan's room. Evie told you that Mal was already at their room, it was a peaceful walk. You and Evie finally reached the room, You opened the door while yawning still dazed by your nap. No one seemed to notice that you and Evie had entered but you felt someone was watching you.

"Y/n, maybe you should stay here and sleep..." Evie suggested.

"Nah, I'm fine!" You replied, almost about to yawn again but kept it in.

"Jay... what are you doing?" Mal asked while looking over his shoulder he looked back a her with a smirk.

"It's called, Stealing." He started, "it's like taking whatever you want but free!" Mal picked up a piece and looked at it.

"You could do that, ooooooor you could leave it here and get it back when we take over the world!" Mal stated, Evie sat down on Carlos' bed and looked at Mal.

"You sound just like your mother." She announced bluntly.

"*gasp* thank you!" Mal replied, You went and sat next your brothers nudging them gently and making jokes that only they could understand. You were zoned out for the whole explanation for the plan then someone said, let's go. You got off the bed and headed to the door, opening it for everyone, no one thanked you except for Chris. You all jogged to the museum, trying not to make a lot of noise. You reached a big, wooden door you tried to pull down on the handle to open it, didn't work.

"No dice." You stated bluntly, Ryan crossed his arms looking at the door, then everyone else.

"Seems like we came all the way here for nothing..." he added, then stretched, "time to go home!" He started walking back then Jay stopped him.

"Let me." He said, walked a few steps away from the door about to run and kick it open, what he didn't know is that Mal was casting a spell. Once she was done she slammed her book closed and the spell worked! Unfortunately, Jay was already mid air when it worked so he landed on his butt. Everyone walked passed him, Carlos tried to help him but Jay slapped his hand away. 'Rude...' you walked over to Jay and lowered your hand for him to grab, he was hesitant and just looking you in the eyes, but then he grabbed it. You pulled him up with ease, since you are pretty strong.

"You have a nice grip foxy." He stated, you let go of his and as soon as he was standing up right.

"Jay, do you even know my name?" You asked, he kept looking at you.

"Well, you never got around to telling me."

"Y/n." You mumbled.


"My name is Y/n."

"Cute name for a cute face." You started to feel blush spread to your cheeks, you smiled at Jay then rolled your eyes and caught up with the others. In the next room you went to, there was a guard by the tv cameras.

"Now what?" Carlos asked, I looked at Ryan and he looked at me with the same devilish smirk.

"I got this..." he stated, grabbing into his jacket pulling out a black baseball bat that said 'forget me stick' in bold white letters. He sneaked up behind the guard and hit him right across the head, a loud bang was echoing throughout the room and the halls and everywhere. You pooped your head out of our hiding place and saw the man just flop to his side, 'he probably has a concussion now.'

"You love that thing don't you?" You asked Ryan while walking up to him, you squatted next to the body and poked him, "he's out cold."

"I love it to my hearts content!" He cooed, stroking his bat then putting it bac in his jacket.

"Well that takes care of that..." Evie said, shrugging her shoulders and coming up behind you.

"Ryan- how, how could you!" Chris exclaimed, acting like the cinnamon roll he is.

"With a bat." Ryan replied bluntly, a smirk growing on his face. We proceeded to the magic wand, on our way we saw statues of '' heroes '' everyone gave off a low growl, you walked to the statue of Red Riding Hood. You closed your eyes thinking about your mother and father and what they must be doing at the moment, you let out a small sigh. A presents  was felt behind you, you turned your head and saw Jay.

"You wish your dad had revenge, don't you?" He asked, you looked at the statue again, still wanting to keep your secret, you looked down at the ground giving off a deep sigh.

"Yeah." was all you replied with, he put a hand on your shoulder. You tensed up a bit then relaxed, not being familiar with people touching you if they aren't going to kill you.

"Let's keep moving." Mal stated, Jay lifted his hand off your shoulder and we made our was through the maze of history, eventually we got to a balcony that formed a circle, in the middle was a glass beam, we all looked down and saw Fairy Godmothers magic wand.

"We found it!" Evie yelled, we all started running down the stairs to get to it. You looked at it, admiring it, it's beautiful pattern and colours, "seems like there is a force field around it."

"I'll look for a spell." Mal stated, you looked at your brothers, Chris looking like he doesn't want to be here and Ryan just crossing his arms over his chest, most likely bored.

"I'll just grab it." Jay said, climbing under the railing.

"Jay! No!" Everyone except Ryan yelled, after Jay just barely touched the force field a loud alarm went off and Jay went flying back, Ryan looked at him not very amused.

"Dumbass." Ryan whispered, everyone started running my brothers turning into their wolves, you ran to Jay and helped him up really fast then we both started booking it to the exit, thankfully making it out.

"Thanks Jay, now we have to go to school tomorrow!" Mal yelled, while running back to the dorms.

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