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"you two kissed?!?!" Evie screeched quietly before getting told off by everyone that it was starting, her face looked flabbergasted at the new knowledge.

Everything started to quiet down when the choir started to sing, signalling the prince is coming. The VK's seemed to be agitated by something, you wanted to ask, but there were to many people around and they would just tell you to be quiet anyway. And just like that, the grand wooden doors where opened, Ben slowing building through with every step.

Everyone bowing at his entrance, including you. They got up to the wand, everyone watching in anticipation. Some more than others. Fairy godmother gracefully placed the King's crown onto Ben, declaring him the new king.

When the glass casing came off the magic wand, the VK's seemed to change their posture. As if they knew something was going to happen, Jay lightly squishing your hand in comfort made you look at him in worry. 'What's going on?'

Ben was taking the oath to be a fair and kind king, his words true and honest. Hopefully. And with that, fairy godmother blessed Ben, the new king of Auradon. Your eyes drifted away from the scene for one second, lost deep in thought. The only thing pulling you out was the sudden gasps filling the air, everywhere. Looking back you saw the wand was no longer in fairy godmothers hand.

Before you could see who had it, a powerful bolt of lighting shot through one of the stain glass windows, the glass falling only a couple feet away from you, Jay protectively covering you with a hug.

But in the distance a loud thunderbolt was heard, cracking something either really big or really close. Slowly Jay stopped leaning over you, instead I'mg looking you in the eyes, "you okay?"

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." You replied, looking into his brown eyes, "what's going on?"

"The barrier- on the isle - it's breaking." He replied, the ground started to shake as if you were in high seas. Leaning onto Jay for support, you just hoped someone wouldn't fall off the balcony.

"CHILD WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?" Fairy godmothers voice rang, looking down at the main attraction you saw that it was Jane with the magic wand, swinging it around like hose on full blast.

Sparks were literally flying everywhere, some even reaching almost as high as the roof! Mal ran into the situation since she was the closest, but it really didn't help, it just stopped the sparks, but everyone was still in panic, everyone who's an Auradon at least. In a swift movement, Jay was about to leave but you grabbed his hand, "where are you going?"

"I'll- I'll explain later!" Running up to you giving you a kiss on the cheek he ran down onto the first floor, leaving you with the small group of people on the balcony. The first thing you heard next was; "revenge time." Your eyes widened as you felt something approaching, you tried to get out of the crowd and down to the first floor, no one gave you a chance so you had to push you way through.

Meanwhile, in the middle of this, "I want to be good." Mal turned around to face her friend who were forming a semi-circle, "stealing things doesn't make you happy; tourney and victory pizza makes you happy—"

"Apparently Y/n does too..." Carlos coughed, earning a pleased, agreeing look from Jay and a confused one from Mal.

"Scratching dude's belly makes you happy." She continued, looking at Carlos, "who would've thought."

"Evie, you don't need to play dumb to get a guy, you're so smart!"

You were so close, just outside the main door since you had to go around. What you weren't expecting was Ryan and Chris to be at the door, waiting for you. "Y/n we can't get you go in there!" Chris yelled, walking up towards you.

"Mum would kill us if her girl got killed," Ryan added, following Chris' movements, just in the other side. You knew what they were going; they were trying to surround you. Giving quick glances at both of them, you turned into a your wolf running through the middle, both of them tried to jump on you but ended up crashing into each other. Getting closer to the door, you thought you were going to make it but Ryan tackled you by the side, pushing you over. He started to growl on all fours, staring intently at you. Chris seemed to have disappeared, only raising your guard more.

Both you and Ryan tried to get your way, play fighting like you used to... but worse. Until Chris came back throwing a net in your direction, thankfully you moved at the last second, and it caught Ryan instead; who turned into a human. "WHAT THE HELL CHRIS!!" And with that you ran through, at the right moment non the less.

It appeared that Maleficent had infiltrated the coronation, freezing everyone where they stood, making the lighting in the room darken multiple shades. You had just watched the mistress of evil push down Jay while you were bolting towards them, this just fuelling you more. Going faster you jumped into Maleficent, knocking her over going Jay a chance to stand up, "Y/N!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!"

Turning into a dragon Maleficent flicked you off her like it was nothing, you landed couple feet away onto the stone floor.  Doing a lap of the cathedral looking building, the towering dragon started flying straight towards you. Quickly leaping up, you ran along side the VK's before Evie blinded Maleficent, causing her to stop in her tracks.

When you were all together Mal started to chant to her mother, having some kind of stare off. Thankfully Mal won and a mist of green smoke took over, Maleficent seemed to have disappeared, but people started to unfreeze. With a sigh of relief you turned back into a human, you stood next to Jay, the two of you checking if each other were okay. "You're such an idiot!" Jay accused, "don't do that again."

"Yeah yeah..." giving him a reassuring smile, without any hesitation he grabbed you into a hug. Keeping you close. With a sudden urge of bravery, you grabbed the back of Jay's hair, feeling the soft felling of it before guiding it down to you. You kissed him. A loving, pleasant kiss. He seemed to be shocked since he took in a gasp before it happened, just making you smile.

Pulling away you both just looked at each other, Jay's face quickly looking questioning before a smile took over, "alright." He grabbed your hand leaning you to the group before everyone shared a group hug, happy that no-one died. Until.

"Y/N YOUR A PAIN IN MY—" everyone's attention was caught by your brother swing open the door with all his might, causing it to crack all over. He quickly stomped over to you, grabbing you by the hand pulling you away before giving you a lecture. "Do anything like that again and you're dead. Hear me? DEAD!"

You were just taking it, knowing he would just start over again if you didn't. "Ryan! Com'on they're starting a party!" Ruby said running up to the two of you, Ryan's face turning to her before being covered in blush.

"Ye-yeah okay." A smug look showing on your features. As if time had skipped, it was night time, everyone celebrating like there's no tomorrow. The music could be heard for miles, and you knew this because you were on the opposite side of the school. Looking at where the fire had burnt everything, making you feel sorry for the animals in there. Thinking you were alone until an arm swung around your shoulder, and a kiss on the head.

"Com'on, come dance." Jay suggested, looking down at you.

"Too many people for my liking." You replied, "sorry." He looked down at you with a smile before grabbing your hand and sneaking you past some people to the dorm room, "what are we doing?" You asked, Jay opened the door to his dorm before leading you to the couch. Without saying a word he went to the tv, grabbed the remote and put on some movies.

"Then let's just enjoy each other's company." He smirked, wrapping an arm around you while you rested you head on him once again.

and that is how it ended. Everything worked out okay, or even better than okay!

I hope you liked the ending and didn't think it was trash.... tell me if you did please, so I know what to change Ernest time I end a book!!

THANKS FOR READING!! And coming on this journey with me!

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