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"Guys you heard Fairy Godmother, someone has to look after her for the next couple of days."

"We can't jeopardise the mission!"

"And you can't tell me that you still wanna go through with it!"

"....our parents are counting on us, we can't let them down."

"Mal, I like it here. I don't want this to be destroyed on my account."

"Whatever Jay. I'll see you at Family Day."

The sudden sound of the door clamping shut gave you the idea she was mad. With a groan you woke up from the medical bed, trying your best to sit up. Jay turned around to the sight of your face clean but the rest of you was covered in soot. Your skin felt tender, like you fell asleep in the sun for hours on end. Pulling up a chair next to you, Jay asked, "How're you feeling?"

"In all honesty; like a crispy chip."

Jay let out a small laugh before looking back up at you, "seems like Fairy Godmothers magic also gave you a sense of humour!"

"Oi!" Gently punching him on the arm. Even though it was gentle, if felt like you were getting the shorter end of the stick, feeling series of slightly painful tingles fly through your body, causing you to slightly scrunch up your face.

"Fairy Godmother said to be fragile with your skin for a while because it needs to heal, you going into that fire in your wolf form cause practically all your skin to be singed, some part are worse than others."

Reflection of the fire flowed into your mind, the sight of your brothers started to make you worry. "Jay are my brothers okay?"

"They're fine, they only went in there to get you, but since you had Harold with you, they decided to save him too." He replied, "you've only been out a couple of hours, it's midday right now."

"I wish we had chances to sleep in like this more often." You joked, your eyes shifting from the silky fabric that laid over your body, to Jay who was sitting next to you, "I appreciate that you wanted to help me."

A small smile formed on Jay's face, his eyes looking gently into yours. "I'll do it again if I have to."

"It's good to know that someone else besides my brother care about my health and well being, but if I'm too much trouble-"

"You won't be that bad." He exaggerated rolling his eyes.

"I'm glad we get to go to the same school for the next couple years, I think it's going to be fun..." you trailed off, looking into Jay's eyes that seemed to be hiding the regret of a guilty man, not even making eye contact with you, "Jay you good?" You placing a hand on his shoulder even though it felt like microscopic suns were exploding on your skin, "if you don't want to hand out with me-"

"I do, it's just the VK's and I had this plan to release the villains from the isle." He continued, his head facing down but his eyes looking up at you, "so we could take over the world."

There was a moment of silence between the two of you until, "is that all?" You asked, his head quickly shooting up to be inline with yours.

"What do you mean is that all?" He laughed caused what could be worse than destroying everything and everyone's happiness?

"Jay with live in the world of fairy tales, it's the smallest chance that the Villains would win." You stated, "besides how hard can it be to take on a villain?"

Jay assumed you were just giving him false hope to make him happier, so he played along, pretending everything was going to be okay. You both kept chatting about random topics, mainly about what you were going to miss when break came around.

The Wolf (Jay x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now