It begins... (2)

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I was sound asleep, dreaming about the woods, and the wood land creatures. The I started to hear, trumpets? I lifted my head up gently and looked out the window to a place almost like a castle, that had a giant sign that said 'Auradon Prep' I guess this is it... the closer we got the louder the trumpets got and the drums, there were people waving around different flags and signs, I decided to put on my favorite hood, I haven't worn't it in forever! (Picture above imagine it is shorter like hip hight)

The driver came by the door and opened it, I was the first to get out then Ryan and Chris who were shoving each other.

"The others will be arriving soon, so you just have to wait." The driver stated with attitude, he got back into the limo and drove away. While waiting I just decided to talk to my brothers, without them into a fight. After 5 minutes another limo arrived, just a few centimetres behind us. We all turned around and looked at the limo, again the driver opened the door but instead of them getting out, a white haired boy came tumbling out grabbing onto a scarf. Then another, muscular guy with long black hair and a red beanie got out of the car also holding the scarf. The musicians stopped playing and just stared at them, my brothers' and I just backed away slowly...

"Oh!Ah!Ow!STOP! YOU HAVE EVERYTHING ELSE! WHY DO YOU WANT WHATEVER THIS IS?!" The guy with white hair yelled, I think this school is going to kill my ears'...

"'CAUSE YOU WANT IT!" The other yelled back, a girl with purple hair got out of the limo, the other two still bickering then a girl with beautiful blue hair got out too.

"Guys, Guys! GUYS!" The purple haired one yelled, I looked to my brothers and they looked down at me with the same dumbfounded expression, "we have an audience." The two finally stopped bickering and stared back at the 'audience' nervously.

"Hehe, just cleaning up!" The muscular one said, throwing the scarf back into the limo, he kicked the guy on the floor and told him to get up.

Out of the crowd appeared a lady, wearing all blue and that had brown hair. "Leave it like you found it!" She started, "and by that, I mean just leave it." The guy with long hair rolled his eyes, and they landed on me we stayed staring at each other and his smirk grew, Chris bumped me causing me to look at him, he also had some what of a smile. I looked at Ryan and his eyes' have turned an amber colour, which usually happens when we are mad, or about to turn into a wolf, I tapped his shoulder and told him to calm down, which thankfully he did. Sometimes he might as well just be a mercenary. (Comment if you under stand that reference!!)

"That was a long time ago and as I always say 'Don't focus on the past or you'll miss the future!'" She continued waving he hands around. After they continued to introduce themselves, Fairy Godmother stated that we have a curfew... well ain't that just great... no running around in the woods at night...

We all were just greeted by the prince and his girlfriend, then we started to go on a tour. Blah blah, history. Blah blah blah, school. While we were walking we pasted a large statue of the King, Ben clapped his hands and it turned into the beast. I heard a scream and saw the guy with white hair jump into the one with long hair's arms.

"Carlos, It's okay." Ben started, so I'm guessing his name is Carlos, "My farther wanted his statue to morph from beast to man to remind us anything is possible."

I started getting so bored... I zoned out and just followed behind, just thinking of what I'm going to do in my free time... if I have any... everyone was heading to their dorms, my brothers have to go with Carlos and his friend while I have to go with the other girls.

"Okay, now that we are in our room, we still don't know your name." The blue haired one said.

"My name's Y/n." I replied.

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