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I'm going to try update more frequently now, I know I should have earlier but anyway.... MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

Hearing that, you stopped in your tracks, trying to listen in the best you can. "Ye-yeah, okay!" That sounded a lot like Eve... a low growl started emitting from you.

"Thanks babe..."

"I swear he is prince of perfume..." you softly mumbled to yourself, rolling your eyes. A light tap came from your shoulder, you turned around with glowing eyes scaring the living day lights out of Doug, almost causing him to jump out of his skin. "...Sorry..." you mumbled, looking to the side making your eyes back to normal.

Letting out a sigh Doug asked, "do you know where Eve is?"

"Turney field, probably under the bleachers." You replied.

"Thanks!" He yelled, running off. Taking another spoon full of pudding, you shoved it into your mouth. Looking around you found a pair of ginger hair that you haven't seen in a while.

Jogging up to them, you threw away the pudding cup before saying, "Henry, Harold. I haven't seen you guys in a while." They both looked at each other, like they were talking telepathically. "Something wrong?"

"Uhh.... no, it has been a while though!" Henry giving a closed eye smile, you slightly tilted you head in confusion, thinking something is off.

"Well, we better be going!" Harold added, "bye Y/n~" gently pushing his brother from his back.

"Okay? Bye?" You replied as they walked away, secretly whispering to one another. You walked back into the dorm building to get to your room, on your way you witnessed a certain brown haired female and a certain brother hiding behind a corner, their backs to you. Sneaking up behind then you placed a hand on each of their shoulders, almost scaring the crap out of them, "what're you doing?"

They both gave each other a look before looking back at you, "alright, just shhh..." Ryan whispered, grabbing your shoulder guiding you to look around the corner. Ruby crouching underneath you, Ryan towering above you, all of you looking around the corner which leads to the boys room.

Grabbing out a small video camera, Ryan placed it so it has a perfect view of the door. "CHRIS HELP CINDY'S IN TROUBLE!!" Ruby yelled. Inside the room you could hear numerous things being bumped and pushed over until finally the door swung open, Chris running through the door but slipping on some kind of substance on the wooden floor, falling on his butt. Hard. on the opposite side of the door was another hall way, couple doors down, which Cindy came running down like a fashionable Usain Bolt.

"OMG CHRIS ARE YOU OKAY?!?" she yelled, running closer. Chris quickly tried to sit up, trying his best to warn her but it was too late. She slipped on the substance, following Chris' lead, landing on her butt. Ruby and Ryan kept giving off small laughs, trying to contain it, but failing. You had a small smile on your face, finding it.... kinda funny...

"You better hope mum never sees that..." you mumbled to Ryan, retreating back to the cover of the wall.

Ryan follows suit, "you know she'll never see it, cause you know....."

"Know what?" Ruby asked, looking between you and Ryan, Ryan stopped the recording and looked at you in your eyes.

"Nothing." You bother replied, your smiles slightly fading, "anyway I better get going, I'll cya guys later." Walking away, you headed to your dorm room, leaving the two behind. Opening the door you were met with Mal on her bed, reading her book. Eve at the sewing machine and an unexpected guest of Jane, pacing around the room.

"If a boy can't see the beauty within, then he's not worth it." Jane quoted, "Can you believe it! What world is she living in?!"

"Auradon..." Mal mumbled, you walked further into the room, plopping down on your bed.

"Hey, Y/n!" Eve greeted, you replied by raising your hand and giving a pathetic wave.

"I'll never get a boyfriend..." Jane continued, falling down like London bridge on Eve's bed.

"Boyfriends are overrated..." Mal commented.

Stopping her sowing, Eve placed her head on her hand, resting it on the desk, "How would you know Mal, you've never even had one."

"Cause I don't need one, E." She replied, looking up from her book for a split second, "they're a waste of time."

Eve quickly emitted a loud gasp, "I forgot to do Chad's homework!"

"That is exactly what I mean," Mal butted in, Jane looking around the room in confusion.

Quickly and idea came to mind, "Eve, want me to do it?" you suggested, sitting up on your bed.


"Yeah." Eve quickly got up and gave you his backpack, which you gladly excepted.

"Thanks N/n!"

"No problem!" She walked back over to her table, you walking back to your bed, opening the window, letting a breeze in. You sat down on the bed and scattered his book out, looking satisfied in doing so. You piled them up on your bedside table, biggest to smallest, random work sheets on the bottom before standing up and grabbing the bag. Picking it up from the strap, before (yeeting) throwing it aggressively out the window.

Everyone in the room went beyond quiet, Jane letting out a dry gasp, Eve letting out a shriek of terror, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?"

Picking up his neatly organised books, you replied, "You'll thank me later..." she started running up to you, but was too late. You had already thrown every single book out the window and let all the worksheets fly into the sky, making them land in random places in the school, "that'll teach him to do his own bloody homework..." you mumbled.


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