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TEXAS SMMMMMMMMAAAAASSSHHHHHHHH okay don't mind me. Here's a new chapter!

Waking up the next morning felt amazing! You hadn't waken up like this for the whole time you were in Auradon! You felt completely energised.... but to counter that you slept in longer than usual. Looking around the room you saw that Eve and Mal were already gone, you got up and waltzed around the room, yawning as soon as you did so.

The night prior you had put your clothes in the washing machine, getting the smell of lake water out of it. You strolled over to the bathroom with your newly cleaned clothes, stretching before you noticed the clock on the wall. Your eyes widened, you froze in position, "Oh crap.... I'M GONNA BE LATE!!!" You screeched knowing you have math first, "MR WILLOW IS GOING TO KILL ME!!" you threw off your clothes, stood by the shower wanting warm water but it started taking too long, your eyes repeatedly dashing to the clock and back to the shower. The water was still some-what cold, with a quick moment of hesitation you jumped in the shower, shivering at the feeling of the cold water sprinkling down your skin.

As quick as you could, as efficiently as you could you cleaned yourself, got out the shower, brushed your teeth, got changed and booked it for Math. Students were already walking into class, you had faith that you could just barely make it in time for class. You saw your class were practically already inside, only James was left, he was the last inline. He looked around like he was searching for something or someone, his eyes landed on you, seeing that you're still a ways off. Quickly he made up a plan, when he was about to walk into class, he started talking to the teacher who was holding the door.

A small wave of relief flowed over you, you kept running at top speed, coming closer by the second. James made the teacher look the other way, and that was your chance, you completely bolted into the room, any faster and you could've left skid marks on the carpet. Standing behind your desk, you started hyperventilating, trying to gain more air into your lungs. Your eyes were kept onto the door, waiting for James and Mr Willow to walk through. After a couple of seconds, they did. The teacher walked though giving you a deadly side glance as he did, as soon as you saw this you looked away, being interested in anything else at the moment.

"Take your seats." Mr Willow announced, he started calling the roll while you and your group; Ruby, Cindy and James started grabbing out your books and pencils.

"So any reason why you were late today?" James asked, giving you a side glance while he started taking notes.

"Almost late- and because I slept in." You replied, following James' lead.

"Wow... the great Y/n slept in for once." Ruby butted in, "aren't you always the one to wake up early?"

"I'm just glad you made it!" Cindy added, "Mr Willow would've had your hide on the wall if you didn't."

The lesson progressed like always, nothing new happening. Same old same old. Except for when you took a gulp of water and heard, "I heard Jay and Y/n went on a date yesterday..."

Swerving your head to the side, you sprayed out the water in your mouth, getting it all over the carpet. Letting out multiple arrays of coughs. "Y/n you good?" Ruby asked, James started patting your back, trying to to help you. Wiping some of the water off your mouth with your arm you looked at them, with one last cough.

"Ye-yeah I'm fine—"

"Y/N!!" Your eyes shot open at the unmistakable voice of the teacher, "you're staying behind after class, understood!"

"Yeah..." you mumbled.

"Excuse me?"

"Yes sir." You said louder, slumming into your chair, "this sucks..." you grumbled, slamming your chin onto the desk, "school sucks..." the rest of the lesson, you kept quiet trying not to anger Mr Willow more than you already had. At the end of he lesson everyone piled out for the next class, you were he last one, grabbing your stuff and heading to the ominous, teacher's desk.

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