Brothers ( 9 )

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You kept sitting on the bleacher, watching the people train. Jay and Carlos came zipping past you in their uniforms, running down the stairs, Carlos almost tripping on the way down. You giggled at their childish antics as they ran down to the field, Ryan on the other hand... who was sitting next to you, was having the time of his life!


"Mind saying that LOUDER INTO MY FREAKING EARS!!!" You yelled after moving your face close to his ears, he immediately shushed and looked in agony.

"Jeeze sorry." He replied, you looked back down to the field and saw everyone was looking at the two of you. Some mad, some weirded out. Carlos had a thankful smile, probably because you stood up to the human pest of a brother. And Jay. Jay looked as if he was proud of you, this causing you to have blush raise to your cheeks, you quickly looked away and not long after the coach blew his whistle.

"Hey, your face is red." Ryan said, just knowing that people could see it caused you to blush more.

"Hello my lovey siblings! Hows my favourite sibling going?" Another familiar voice asked, you were about to reply but got interrupted.

"I'm great thanks." Ryan replied, you and Chris looked at him dumbfounded, knowing he is definitely NOT the favourite. Well at least in Chris' eyes.

"Anyway, I'm fine thanks Chris." You went back to original topic, next thing you knew Chris was sitting on the other side of you.

"Y/n your face is red." Chris stated. You slowly turned your head to face him, a crazy look in your eyes as if you were going to kill him. Needless to say, he moved a bit away.

You turned your attention back to the training, right when you looked a bunch of grunts were heard, you saw Jay pushed over the guy from earlier and started dancing around him, Jay of course started laughing.

Things started getting interesting... Jay gave off a battle cry and started ramming the people with the ball like it was a bull fight. Then he entered the 'kill zone' as the coach called it then he started doing some impressive acrobatics, maybe he should have tried out for the cheerleaders instead. An image of him in a dress almost killed you, all while you tried to hide it from your brothers.

Next thing you knew everyone on the field was knocked over and Jay went for the shot and made it while James just missed the save.

"AHHHH!!!" He cries then started charging towards James, James stood his ground preparing for the charge from the VK but just at the last second his quickly moved away, heading into the field away from Jay.

Jay was hyped and started break dancing on the grass by his victory.

A loud whistle was heard from the coach, everybody's attention turned to him.

"YOU! GET OVER HERE!!" He yelled directing it at Jay, who looked confused and shocked. All the cheerleaders started back flipping and cheering and so on and so forth. Except a certain 'Bennyboo' child.

You saw the coach and Jay were talking so you used your hearing to listen in, "what do you call that?" The coach asked, pointing to the field, Jay looked back to the field and it seemed like the whole team started gathering around them, "I call that raw talent. Find me later. I'll show you something you haven't seen before." He continued, "It's called a rule book."

You scoffed at his attempt of a joke finding it hurtful, Jay also seemed to be disgusted. But the guy you scared a while ago seemed peeved that Jay is getting into the team.

You zoned out of their conversation and started to talk to your brothers, "Alright!" You said slapping your thighs then getting up, "this wolf is tired and going to take a nap." You stretched and started walking away when someone grabbed your wrist, causing you to turn around and be met with James.

"Where're you going?" He asked, you simply looked at him bluntly before replying with:

"I'm going to take a nap."

"Really? Don't you want to go do something?"

"No not really, I wanna take a nap."

"Heh, okay, cya later then." He waved and left you waved at his leaving figure before continuing to walk back to your room.

You were halfway to the doom building when a familiar bluenette stopped you, and started talking to you.

"Where're you going Y/n?" She asked, you took a deep breath and rolled your eyes.

"Imma take a nap."

"But we still have some classes."

"Y/n wants nap, Y/n will get nap." You stated bluntly before walking around her and heading straight towards the building.

While you were walking through the halls you passed Jane, you took a double take seeing her new hair and stared at her before thinking you are delusional and kept walking.

"Today has been a long day." You sighed as you face planted into the bed, closing your eyes and subconsciously turning into your wolf.

But before you could completely drift into sleep, you heard the door open you weren't bothered looking who is was so you let out an irritated growl and transformed back into your humans form looking away from the door.

"WHAT!!!" You snapped, closing your eyes trying to calm down.

"Is this a bad time?" A familiar female voice asked. Ruby.

"No this is a perfect time, I wasn't trying to sleep or anything."

"Oh good because we wanted to talk." Another female voice asked. Cindy. You rolled off you bed dramatically and walked over to them.

"Oh this is going to take a while, you might want to sit down." Ruby stated.

Your eyes widened with irritation and anger, you felt like aggressively poking someone with a knife right now.

Sorry that took SOOOOOO long, and I'm sorry for not updating for a while. I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! HOPE YOU ENJOYED.

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