The Sleep Over pt. 2 ( 12 )

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I'm not dead yet, you still have to live with me. Sorry I haven't been updating if you check my profile I've been re-writing another book of mine, and I know I should have been working on this one more and I'm sorry I know that a lot of you are enjoying this. I always read the comments when I can! Sorry from keeping you from the story!

"Alright, so what're we gonna be watching?" Chris asked, grabbing the soft blankets from the beds, giving everyone one. Gladly excepting you took the blanket and placed it on your lap, storing it for later use.

After you got settled in on the couch, getting the comfiest you could, you asked, "What genre?"

"We have comedy, Romance and my personal favourite..." Letting out a giggle Cindy continued, "Romance Comedies!" Everyone sat there dumbfounded, just staring at Cindy as she stood in front of the TV holding up DVD's since the school won't pay for subscriptions.

"Umm... good idea but maybe—"

"They suck." Ryan butted into Chris' comment, you could see that Cindy was upset that no one wanted to watch her movies, sitting back down next to Chis. Leaning her back against the couch like the others, making sure not to squish Jay's legs. Chris tried to complement Cindy to make her feel better while also trying to avoid Jay's legs.

"Hold on I think I have something." Ruby stated, getting up from the bottom of your half of the couch. She walked across the room, careful not to step on the pillows and snacks, "Anyone up for Scream?"

"I don't think that's suited for cinnamon rolls." You pointed out, secretly signalling to Chris. Ruby and Jay let out a small laugh, causing a smile to grow on your face. For a brief moment Jay and yourself locked eyes, before forcing yourself to look away. Little did you know that Ruby had already put a DVD in the TV. "Wait what movie is it?"

"JUST WAIT!!" she yelled excitedly, slapping your leg gently. You all waited intently, the post credits started playing and then... MY LITTLE PONY MY LITTLE PONY!!! Everyone lost colour to their face, looking shocked at the TV.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS CRAP?!?!" Ryan yelled, throwing his hands at the TV. Ruby bursted out in laughter at his reaction, almost having tears in her eyes.



"MAKE ME!!" the rest of us just sat in silence. "Or do it. yourself."

"MAYBE I WILL!!" Grabbing onto your knee, he pushed himself up and stormed to the DVR. Since he was your brother you knew, that he had know idea what he was doing. He stood there quietly while everyone watched him, after a couple of seconds he started smacking his hand onto the stop of it rapidly.

"STOP YOU'RE GOING TO BREAK IT!!!" Ruby yelled, rugby tackling Ryan to the floor.

"GET OFF ME WOMAN!!" Gently laughing you sinked deeper into the couch, your eyes started getting heavier and heavier before closing. You body started flopping into a comfy position, and it just so happened to be onto Jay. His head quickly shot up from resting onto his hand to looking down at you. Your head went onto his lap, and the rest of your body on the couch. Slowly getting used to it, he placed his other arm onto your middle section, in a protective manor. Letting out a relaxed sigh, you snuggled loosing control because of your tiredness.

Jay subconsciously grew a smile onto his face, even through all this was going on, you still manage to fall right asleep. You were completely asleep when Ryan yelled, "GET AWAY FROM MY SISTER!!"

"Shut up. You're going to wake her." Jay stated, Ryan was about to yell again but took a second to look at your peaceful face, he decided to stop and flopped onto the floor again mumbling quietly to himself while Ruby put in a new movie. As the movie progressed, everyone started falling asleep one by one. Jay was the last to fall asleep, moving his whole body onto the couch resting his head on the arm rest. You automatically moved higher, your face basically by his. You snuggled into his chest, Jay's eyes growing more and more tired. He wrapped his arms around your body, taking one last glance at your sleeping face before falling into a deep slumber.

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