( 19 )

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This is going to be a longer chapter cause I think they are too short, so if this one took longer... you know why.

The day went by faster than it probably should've, it's that last match of the Tourney game, an intense one at that. All the players where trying their best, keeping their head in the game, and only that game. All except Jay. Through out all the game he has been looking at the bleachers, wondering where you were. Having a heavy heart, he found it hard to focus on the game, anything at that. Thoughts like, 'did she forget?', 'maybe she didn't care enough to come...' and 'has all that time and effort to prepare something for her, gone to waste?' kept overflowing in his head.

Right now he was sitting on the bench, sitting with Carlos, waiting for the coaches call. Jay was hunched over, twiddling with his thumbs thinking over some of the possible reason why you weren't there. "You're thinking about her aren't you." Carlos butted in, bumping shoulders with Jay to gain his attention.

"Hmm?" Jay responded, still lost in though.

"Dude, you're thinking about Y/n aren't you."

Jay lifted his head, looking out onto the field. "I just... can't get her out of my head.... she said she would come..." looking down once again, Jay continued, "maybe... maybe she didn't bother."

Silence consumed the friends, seconds. Minutes. Longer minutes. Until Carlos started stabling Jay's bicep with the back of his hand, "Or maybe she did!" Pointing to the far end of the field, barreling making out the figure of a person. Jay looked up, doubtfully until he saw your red cape swishing in the wind. The whole world slowed down to a bare millisecond, the two of you were making eye contact the whole time.

"Jay... JAY!!" Snapping out of the daze, Jay looked up to the coach, "Get your head in the game boy!" With a new found inspiration Jay jumped up, off the bench and persuaded the coach to let Carlos join the game too.

From the far end, in the shadows of the woods you watched the tourney game unfold. You were late for the reason of being distracted by... woodland creatures... and maybe a couple of billy goats... but that doesn't matter! You were her now, and you came at the most important part! The two teams were tied after all. It all depended if Auradon could make the last goal or not. You always kept a close eye on number 8.

"Jay dishes it to prince Ben."

"Nice little block by Carlos! He does a little dancing jig in the opponent's face."

"And now jay get the ball back."

"Here comes Jay's hurdling manoeuvre at mid-field."

"Jay makes a nice pass to Prince Ben through the kill zone."

"Big block by Chad!"

"Prince Ben moves over wide, gives it back to Jay."

"He's in the clear!"



And the crowd literally went wild! You could hear the ear piercing screams from where you were standing! And that's saying something! Everyone on the team jogged towards the bleachers, the school cheering them on. In the background you were giving your own little clap of celebration, you knew this odd game meant a lot to the guys, giving all the more reason to have shown up.

All was well until Ben grabbed the mic from the announcer, gaining everyone's attention. He made everyone slowly spell out M.A.L, which needless to say made everyone shocked, including yourself.... then all of the sudden... singing... 'where the heck did that come from?' Honing your wolf powers you did your best to look at everyone dancing, when you found yourself looking at Jay's dance moves. 'Did they have time to practice? How are they so coordinated?' Looking closer you also saw James was having the time of his life dancing to Ben's song, shocking you in the process. Every now and again you would let out small laughs when they were dancing.

The Wolf (Jay x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now