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If you are wonder why I am not labelling the chapters, it is because I don't know what to call them... HOPE YOU ENJOY!

Early morning you woke up, your clothes from a couple nights ago were now washed and ready for action. Everyone was still sleep while you were taking a shower, trying to be as quiet as possible, changing into your normal clothes. Grabbing the borrowed clothes, folding them all up. You gave Eve her clothes back and Mal's, placing them on their bedside tables.

Quietly you opened the door, looking down the halls before walking towards the guys room. Surprised it was unlocked, you walked into the room, being as sneaky as possible. You walked over to Carlos' bed and placed down his shirt, next you walked to Jay's bed looking at his figure sprawled out, his covers hanging off on the sides. He seemed so peaceful, you looked over at your brother who were in their wolf formed, cuddled up, moon light shining over them. Letting out a soft sigh, you placed Jay's jacket on is side table, feeling the cold leather leave your touch felt... weird to say the least...

"Keep it." Your eyes shot to Jay, he sat up stroking the hair out of his face.

"What?" You whispered back.

"You can keep the jacket, you seem attached."

A light blush spread across your cheeks as you looked away, "it's comfy alright..." you looked side ways towards him, his head moving into the moon light, shining through the window.

"You know, your eyes glow amber in the dark."

Letting out a small laugh, "huh good to know..."

all was quiet for a couple of minutes until Jay asked, "We have a Tourney game tomorrow, it would mean a lot if you'd come."

You looked at him unsure, "I don't do well in crowds..." slightly his face fell, taking note you came up with an idea, "Just... keep an eye out for me." He gave you a small nod before you turned away, starting to walk to the exit taking one last glance at Jay snuggling back into bed. A small smile graced you lips before you closed the door once again, walking through the halls, you made your way to the stair case, but before you made it to the stairs whispers were hear behind one of the doors.

"Guys, I don't want to do it anymore." The familiar voice sounding like James, "she's not as bad as you think! She's kinder than you think!... We shouldn't do this!"

"It's for the better!"

"NO!!" You heard things being thrown, not knowing what to do in this situation, your hand landed on the handle. Wanting to open it, but hesitating, "just... keep this a secret for now." With a sigh you removed your hand from the door, walking down the stairs, heading to your first class, passing faces you probably should've known by now...

Sitting down in English since no one else was there yet, you started to entertain yourself. Grabbing different books, making the leaning tower of books. Grabbing scrap paper, making paper planes out of it, throwing it around the room. You looked at the time, wondering if you had filled up at least a majority of it. 20. 20 minutes have passed... you still have another hour to sit through. You banged your head down onto the desk, letting out a loud groan. "Ow..."

"What. Are you doing?" A confused female voice asked, you looked up to the door and saw Ruby and Cindy. Ruby's vibrant purple eyes looking around the room, one eyebrow raised at the chaos. Cindy... looked mortified. "Seems like you had fun." Ruby continued, stepping over the numerous pieces of paper on the floor, avoiding stepping on books too.

"Imagine what Fairy Godmother is going to do when she finds out about this..." Cindy whispered, "she's going to freak seeing her class like this!" Cindy panicked, "AND WE'RE IN HERE TOO!!! Itlookslikewedidit! Ohwe'regoingtobeinsomuchtrouble!" Hastily she started gathering the books and paper, throwing away the paper and putting the books where they need to be.

"Should we help her?" You asked, your eyes scanning Cindy as she practically ran across one side of the room to the other. Ruby walking up next to you, following your gaze.

"She's Cinderella's daughter, she was practically born for this." Ruby replied, "just give her a couple of seconds and she'll be done." The both of you watched as she still ran around. Once she finished she was puffed out, hands on knees and practically folding herself in half. Just in time too, Fairy Godmother walked through the door, wooden stick in hand.

"Never expected students to be so eager to learn!" She exclaimed in happiness, "this gives me more hope for this generation!"

"Is that suppose to offend us?" Ruby whispered into your ear, just giving a simple shrug in response.

All of you kept staring at her as she walked around the room toward her desk, she looked up, making eye contact with the group of you, "don't mind me! Just do what you do!" You all slowly, hesitantly looked away from her, looking at each other instead.

"Oh yeah! Y/n how did the pyjamas fit?" Ruby asked, sitting in the desk next to you, placing her elbow on the desk and resting her head in her hand.

"Yeah, thanks by the way." You replied, sending her a smile.

"No problem! We're friends after all, right?" She continued, placing her books on her desk, Cindy following suit.

You looked down at your own desk, pondering for a moment, face slightly fallen, "yeah, I hope we are."

"Awe, common Y/n! Lose that frown!" Cindy cheered, "there's a lot to be looking forward to!"

"Yeah like the tourney game this afternoon!" Ruby added, "we get to miss out on half a day of classes! What could be better!"

HOPE YOU LIKED IT!! I'm sorry I'm terrible at updating.... it's been a while since I've updated everyday and I'm trying to get back into the habit of doing so.


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