Sharpie ( 14 )

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The trio made it back to the room with the guys having their hands full with their clothes, Mal opened the door to You in your wolf form laying on your bed, looking away from the door. "Thank God, you're here!" Eve letting loose a sigh of relief, before taking a quick glance at you and pouting, "she keeps growling at me..."

The trio entered the room, the guys placing their clothes on an empty table, "so why did we have to bring our clothes?" Carlos asked.

"Y/n had a ... problem... and since she doesn't have any other clothes-"

"Why didn't you give her your clothes?"

"Cause it doesn't match her!! The blue is too overwhelming and that's all I have, and the purple is too... Mal..." Eve continued, "she grabbed the clothes and started going through them, seeing which are the best while you laid on the bed. Jay came and walked by your bed, sitting next to you by your head. Automatically you placed your head onto his lap without even having to open your eyes, finding if more comfortable than the bed. While you were dozing of you could feel his gentle fingers graze your fur ever so slightly, making sure you were okay with it.

"I THINK I FOUND IT!!" Eve yelled, almost waking up the whole campus, well whoever was left. You lift your head and jumped off the bed walking to her, "I don't think you should transform here..." she whispered walking to the bathroom with you close behind, she placed the clothes on the cabinet before leaving.

When Eve walked out the door everyone was looking at her before Jay asked, "Why couldn't she just transform here and take it herself?"

"Because before she transformed she had a shower, and as we established... she had no other clothes." Eve replied, Jay immediately understanding what she meant, turning a dark shade of red, "Hey what's that colour for? Huh? You like her?"

"Maybe." Was all he replied, before anyone else could speak you walked out the bathroom wearing; Mal's black ankle high boots, Eve's waist high black jeans which also had small gold encrusted spikes by the pockets, Carlos' plain red shirt and Jay's oversized black leather jacket having his signature symbol on the back of the king cobra.

"Not bad." Mal commented, "surprised that it fits."

"Looks good!" Carlos added.

"I know." Eve replied adding a small hair flip, Jay seemed to really enjoy the idea of you wearing his signature on your back, in a way to warn off other people. Mainly the guys. "Alright stinky... things... get out of our room and get ready for school!" Eve exclaimed, shoving the boys out the room, against their will. Of course.

"I'm going to the track if you guys need me." Waving over your shoulder as you walked out of the room, soon being greeted by Jay. Who happened to be right outside the room, Carlos probably already back at their room.

"Well hey gorgeous, wasn't expecting you out so soon." He coed looking over your figure, giving a small smile you returned the greeting with a simple hello. "Where are you going?"

"Track." You replied, you looked Jay up and down before asking, "wanna join me?"

His face quickly lit up, even if it was only a small bit, "Sure, just let me go get changed."

"You might also want to rub the rest of the sharpie off your face...." you pointed out, leaning closer to him. After a short couple of seconds, suddenly pulling away and giving a shrug, "but if you like it...."

"Trust me... I don't." He started walking towards his room, you following close behind. The once lively halls were now like a ghost town, everyone ready for school... even though it starts in 2 hours.

Jay opened the door for you, allowing you to pass through into the room. As your eyes looked around the room, the first thing they land on is Ryan. Sitting on his bed. "How was your make over?"

"...I could ask the same to you..." he replied.

"Great actually, I think the pink really brings out my eyes!" Sarcasm spewing from your voice. While the two of you were bickering, Jay walked passed and entered the bathroom. You walked to the door, hearing the sound of aggressive scrubbing through the door, "You need any help?"


"You sure?"


There was a couple of minutes in silence before you asked again, "Need help?" Hearing a heavy sigh and the click of the bathroom door, you figured that was a 'yes'. You walked into the room, Jay was seated in front of the mirror on a stool, slouching over. "What happened to your shirt?"

"I took it off so it doesn't turn black..." he replied, looking slightly up at you. It took you a second to take in the pure muscle of this man, water slightly trickling down from his face onto his pecs, to his abs.

"Alright..." you shrugged walking closer to him, closing the door behind you.

"YOU BETTER NO DO ANYTHING WEIRD IN THERE!!" Ryan yelled from the other side of the door, you rolled your eyes. Jay moved away from the mirror, allowing you access to the cabinet under the sink. You crouched down and opened the door, scavenging around you eventually found cotton wipes and surprisingly enough, nail polish remover. Standing up and closing the door, you faced Jay again.

"Try not to make any sudden movements okay, won't be fun to get this in your eye." He gave you a small nod, you grabbed the cotton wipes and put it on the open top of the nail polish remover, quickly tipping it over. You walked over to him and slowly moved the cotton wipe to his fore-head, quickly looking down at his eyes before dabbing it against his skin. Jay flinching caused you to move away but started dabbing again, "you'll be okay." Grabbing his jaw line, you tilted his head up making it easier to rub off the 'U SUCK'.

"Thank you..." he barely whispered under his breath, for a split second you stopped and looked down at him, giving a small smile. Which usually doesn't happen. After a couple more minutes you finished up, throwing away the multiple cotton wipes and putting away the nail polish remover. Clapping you hands together, "I think we're done!" Jay gave you a smile, opening his mouth, about to say something but then.

Heavy foot steps could be heard from the other side of the door, then the bathroom door being vigorously pulled open. "EVACUATE THE BATHROOM!!!" Christ yelled, pushing you both out. And in less than a second you could hear the shower water running.

"Ready to go to the field?"


I am sooooo sorry that took 10 million years to publish!! I hope you like it the next chapter will be kinda cute... I guess? ANYWAY I LOVE YOU ALL BAI BAI!!!

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