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"YOU!!" everyone's attention was soon grabbed by the unexpected scream of horror. Looking around all eyes landed on Audrey, an old lady and Mal. Everyone started making their way to the distress, starting to choose sides; Auradon or the VKs. Everything started falling apart, Mal got blamed for her mother's wrong doings and when she tried to explain perfume boy came and made it worse...

"You stole another girls boyfriend." He started, looking at Mal and going around, "you enjoy hurting people." Talking to Jay, soon his head turning in your direction, " you like scaring people for the fun of it." But when he strutted closer to Eve, all just got worse, "and you, you're nothing but a gold digger and a cheater."

Needless to say everyone supporting the VK's; Ryan, Chris, Mal, Eve, Ben, Carlos, Jay and yourself, was hella ticked off. Eve tried to come back to Chad's stubbornness, but Chad hit her hand away. Right away Jay was on Chad, like a wolf to deer meat. Jay was putting up a fight against the whimsy little prince until Eve sprayed some substance in Chad's face, Ben held back Jay as the Auradon's helped Chad.

And soon enough the VK's were out of there, walking behind them well they ran, you stopped at the mini balcony over looking the small field. Thinking they probably needed space, but also wanting to see what the Auradon's are going to do. "This isn't their fault!"

"No , son. It's yours."

Even the Auradon's treated Ben like he had betrayed them, looking down at them with a scowl you felt your eyes turning Amber, your blood going faster through your veins. You gripped the marble railing, cracking it in the process, your breathing got out of control until hands placed themselves on your shoulders. With a deep breath you looked behind you and saw your brothers with a look that wanted revenge but also didn't want to make the situation worse.

Walking away the three of you decided to have lunch elsewhere. The lunch area was pretty big, a lot of tress, but a lot of people to. After a couple minutes of looking, you finally found a place that was somewhat secluded, making it all the more peaceful. You all ate in silence until a certain someone came running over a hill and straight towards you, actually two certain someones.

Ruby and Cindy stopped just in front of you three, Ruby with her hands on her knees and Cindy bending her back. "Can we have lunch with you people?" Ruby asked, mainly looking at Ryan who looked at Chris who looked at you who looked at Ryan.

"Sure, but wouldn't you want to sit with the other Auradons?" You asked, Ruby and Cindy taking a place in the miniature circle.

"They're all trash so no thanks."

"My brother is there..."

"How do we know you aren't plotting against us?" You asked like it was an everyday question.

Ruby looked at you with a 'really?' face. "1. I am the daughter of Pinocchio, 2. Would we really do that?"

"I'm sorry about my brother, he is... something else." Cindy added, looking down at her lunch. They all started having small conversations until you were done, you got up and threw away the rest of your trash. Walking around you tried to find Jay, wanting the comforting aura he gave off. You mainly left your brothers cause you felt like you were just an extra prop there, hardly ever getting talked to. It felt weird.

When you did find Jay, he and the rest of the VK's were sitting on a lunch table while the Auradon's were on the opposite table. Feeling the atmosphere of people being bummed out, make you fell bummed out so you turned into your wolf. Walking up to table and just falling down next to it. Everyone gave you looks but they have come to except it by now.

You were looking up at Jay and he was looking down at you, he had the smallest smile grown on his face which made you happy. "They'll never make a villain, a queen." Quickly your head rose up and saw Jane walking past behind Mal, who quickly did an enchantment causing Jane's hair to go back to the way it was.

The Wolf (Jay x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now