The First Day Of School (5)

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(Your outfit incase you forgot)

We all got back to Auradon, we sneaked into the dorm building, being as quiet as possible. Chris and Ryan turned back into their human formes as we all looked around the corner, checking if there are any midnight checks or anyone walking around. According to Mal it was clear, the boys went down the hall to the left while Mal, Evie and I went to the right. I was walking behind both of them, we were all trying to be sneaking trying not to wake up anyone. Thankfully we made it to the room undetected, we all climbed into bed, I check the time and it was 5:00 am. No point in sleeping for two minutes... ugh.

_^-*Second Person*-^_

You got off your bed and walked to the bathroom, you grabbed one of the complimentary toothbrushes and brushed your teeth, once pleased with how clean it was, you spat out the rest of the toothpaste into the sink. After you cupped your hand under the water, gathering as much as you can then putting it in your mouth like a mouth wash then spat it out. You started taking off the clothes, placing the selected clothes carefully in the magical portable washing machine, that also come with the room. You set the timer and temperature, then walked over to the shower and opened the glass door, holding out your hand and turning on the water to just the right temperature, letting the water trinkle down. Once you were satisfied you got into the shower and did everything you had to.

After your relaxing shower, you got your newly cleaned clothes and threw them on after putting deodorant on. You let out a small sigh, still being a bit tired. You got out the bathroom, seeing Mal and Evie doing there own things, Evie was getting her stuff together to have a shower, while Mal was laying on her bed reading her spell book.

"Morning." You greeted both of them.

"Morning!" Evie replied, trying her best to not sound tired.

"Ugh." Was all Mal replied with, you guessed she was just tired, you decided to leave and walk around school until it officially started. You walked around the lockers, trying to find yours and eventually you did.

"Hey, James." You greeted, opening your locker after looking at him, you weren't really hyped, you were also tried.

"Morning." He greeted, you closed your locker after making sure all your books were in the locker, you looked at him leaning on the locker. He stood up straight, like he had a lot of pride but he had a kind, sweet smile. His short spiky black hair, blowing gently in the wind.

"Sleep well?" You asked, trying to sound like a normal person.

"Actually, I did, thanks for asking," he replied, "just during the night I heard a couple of foot steps out side the dorm." Your eyes wanted to freak out, but you controlled them.

"Light sleeper?" You asked.

"Hehe, not normally," He replied, "I guess I had trouble sleeping, but my dad always said 'you have to stay on your toes, you don't know who's behind the corner'."

"Your father sounds smart." You added, you kept eye contact with his dark brown eyes.

"Oh yeah, before I forget we have tourney this afternoon. Maybe you should come." He suggested, you thought about it for a bit but then agreed. After a few minutes Henry and Harold came walking into our conversation, they were pushing each other playfully.

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