Girl Talk? ( 10 )

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You plopped back down on your bed, forcing your eyes to stay awake. "So what do you want?"  You asked, your voice monotone as you stared up at the ceiling.

"We just wanted to hang out." Ruby stated bluntly, your eyes widened and you turned on your side looking at her shocked.

"You want to hang out with me?" You questioned looking at them skeptically, "no self gain? No joke? No hurt feelings?"

"None." Cindy commented, a smile formed on your face as you had a sudden surge of energy, but you kept being skeptical.

"So hang out huh? Don't you have classes?" You asked, they looked at you a little worried but the worries soon going away, and then Ruby shrugged.

"Life happens, dad might be a little mad but he can complain to his cricket." She added, you looked at Cindy and she looked a little weary of this situation. "Com'on Cindy, your mum is still going to love you, it's only one day." Rudy persuaded, you just watched as this all played out.

"Fine..." she mumbled having second thoughts about ditching class, "but Chad is not going to be happy with me spending time with a-" She blabbed but then quickly covered her mouth.

You looked down at the bed, knowing she was talking about you. To be frank, you didn't really expect anyone to accept the VK's and yourself, you thought they would be judgemental and hold a grudge about your parents.

"Sorry..." Cindy whispered, "I didn't mean-"

You put your hand up signalling her that she can stop, "it okay... I know what you meant..."
There was a moment of awkward silence until you asked; "who's your brother?"

"Chad Charming." As she said this you thought of the guy you scared when James fell, that explained why Cindy and Chad smelled the same. Just one used more deodorant... and it wasn't Cindy...

"Your brother is a actual pest." Ruby stated, you were slightly shocked that someone from auradon would be like this, but then again they are only human.

"Yeah..." letting loose a sigh before continuing, "I know... he spends too much time in front of a mirror..."

"Cindy, you and your brother smell the same. Just he had more deodorant and hair spray." You added.

"Yeah... I know..." she continued, looking disappointed that they were related.

"So Y/n, who is your family?" Ruby asked.

"Well my dad is the wolf in little red riding hood, my mum is just someone who fell in love with him while passing through the woods. They are really nice." Taking a deep breath and letting it go, "and then there is my brothers... Chris is sweet, he doesn't like violence, he likes to be in the woods and be calm but he can get dangerous when someone hurts something he loves. And Ryan... Ryan is just a weird creature... it's best not to talk about him... he has like a 6th sense when people talk about him."

"Really? So he can sense us now?" Ruby asked, you nodded at her question before saying;

"Just give him a couple of seconds and he will be through that door, or try at least."

"You have a big family." Cindy stated, you again nodded at the statement before a series of loud bangs were heard down the hall, and before you knew what Ryan busted the door down.

"OKAY!!!! WHO WAS TALKING ABOUT ME???" He yelled, looking mad you just sat there with a blunt face and a small smile while Cindy looked shocked and Ruby was quietly laughing.

Ryan's eyes fell onto Ruby, rage filled but once seeing her laugh his face stopped looking mad and a small smile formed instead. A smirk raised onto your face once you knew that Ryan was actually fond of Ruby...

"rrrryyyyyAaAaAaANNNNNN!!!!" a familiar voice yelled, followed by a chain of sorries and other apologies before...


"AAAAAHHHHHHH!" Ryan and Chris yelled while they tumbled down to the floor of your room, once they stopped Ryan looked mad and Chris looked scared and sorry.

"OMG Are you two alright?" Cindy asked getting up and going to the boys, while Ruby and you were laughing your butts off.

"Hey Y/n! Guess wha-" a new addition to the conversation started, but then cut himself off.

"Oh, hi Jay." You greeted getting off the bed and walking to the remains of the door, "what brings you here?"

"Well I wanted to show you this-" he said pulling on the bottom of his new tourney jersey, giving a clear view of the number 8, "but then I walked in on... Well this..." he continued signalling his hands to the boy pile.

"Ooo I just had the best idea!" Cindy exclaimed, "how about we all have a sleep over at our dorm tonight?"

We all looked at her considering the idea when Rudy said; "well it is my dorm anyway, so I'm in."

"Sounds like fun!" Chris agreed.

"OKAY!!! Fine... I'll go..." Ryan complained, we all looked at him confused and he just shrugged in response.

"Sure why not." You replied, everyone was looking at Jay and he just simply nodded, "Alright... let's say... 7:00?"

"7:00 is good." Chris said, everyone agreed and then all the people who wanted to go to class, was going to (Chris) but then got talked out of it and you all just stayed in your room, doing whatever. And the whole time while Cindy and Chris sat next to each other, they both had a blush. And every time Ruby said something Ryan would look the other way, pretending to disagree with her on everything. While you and Jay were just talking about random things that came to mind.

And eventually it became 6:30 and everyone who was invited started to get ready.

Really sorry for the long wait, please tell me your favourite part and I'll cya next time! LUV YA!!! BAI

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