The Sleep Over pt. 1 ( 11 )

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Cindy and Ruby left and started preparing the room for the sleepover while the boys were getting food and their pjs on, you on the other hand just took this beautiful moments to relax on the bed, going to get changed later... and maybe you fell asleep...

_~^* Cindy's POV*^~_

"Okay Ruby, I think everything is ready!" I cheered, we got all the pillows on the floor surrounding the couch, blankets neatly folded on the beds so the guest can take some and some nice beverages.

"Yeah, it's looking good." She replied, not long after a knock was heard on the door, before I got to the door I fixed my pjs, I was wearing a simple white t-shirt that said 'midnight sucks...' and short black, polka dot pants with my blond hair tied in a messy bun.

I opened the door, thinking it would be Y/n but instead I was greeted by a big, dusty blond male.

"Good evening Cindy!" He greeted, his hands full of chip packets.

"H-hi Chris." DON'T STUTTER YOU STUPID BODY!!! ;-; why is life like this... I didn't realise that we were still staring at each other until this happened;

"are you going to let's us in, or are we going to sleep out here?" The sarcastic Ryan asked, I snapped out of my thoughts and moved out of the way so they could come in.


"Huh, Y/n isn't here yet..." Chris said.

"Knowing her, she is probably passed out on the bed..." Ryan added, Chris nodded to that.

"I'll go see if she is awake." Ruby suggested and started walking out the door.

_~^*Ruby's POV*^~_

I wonder is she did really fall sleep...

"Ruby, What are you doing in the halls? Dressed like... that..." Doug asked, coming up in front of me. I then remembered that I was in my pjs, heat slightly raising to my cheeks, I looked down at the oversized gray shirt that read 'don't lie to me' then looked back up at him.

"Well you know I can't lie, so let's just say I'm walking, mk." I said before moving around him, leaving him standing there.

A little while later I saw Jay walking to my direction, also with a confused face.

"Whats up Ruby?" He asked, I told him that I had to go wake Y/n up then he offered to do it and I said, "sure why not?" Then started heading back to my room.

_~^* Your POV *^~_

Your sprawled all over your bed in your wolf form, you normally sleep in your wolf form because it makes you feel safe because who would want to wake a sleeping wolf? That's just crazy!

You started to get stiff so you slightly opened your eyes and turned around, getting a quick glimpse of a body, gaining your attention and causing you to roll off the bed. While you were on the floor you transformed into your human form before getting up and looking at the figure.

"Sleep well?" He asked, leaning on the door way.

You stared at him, your eyes turning amber then going back to normal, "what are you doing here?"

"Well, we are about to start the sleep over, but it seems like you forgot."

You looked down at your casual clothes before looking up at him, "I think I look fine, why did Ryan let you get me? That doesn't sound like him..."

"jjjjAaAaAaYYYYY!!!!" The exact person yelled, pushing through everything and the door and basically shaking the world, "I TOLD YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM MY SISTER!!!!!" He growled jumping onto Jay, pinning him to the floor.

"I don't remember when you became my boss." Jay retaliated, you got up and walked to the two boys as they roll around the floor.

"Ladies, Ladies stop fighting and get up." You said crossing your arms, they both look at you before someone comes running in and falling on top of you as you fell onto the boys.

"Hi..." Ruby greeted while laying on top of you, you groan as your body just decided to go limp, you looked like you all were playing a human version of jenga and the side pieces are taken out.

You looked back at the boys and Ryan looked dead, probably since he was at the bottom. Jay looked like he just won a war, Ruby looked flushed as she got up and tried to hide it, one by one you all got up.

"Y/n where is your pjs?" Ruby asked, you shrugged in response never really having pyjamas, she quickly grabbed you hand and started walking back to her room while the boys quietly argued behind you two, "Jay, Ryan stay in the lounge area while I get Y/n new clothes."

Ryan rolled his eyes while Jay seemed to be in a trance until he got pushed onto the couch by a certain someone, you walked into Rudy's walk in closet and she started looking through the hangers.

"Sorry there is hardly any space, Cindy keeps buying unnecessary clothes and shoes... uh ha!" She pulled out a oversized black shirt that said 'so much more' and black shorts, "is this okay?"

"Yeah, it's fine." You replied while she handed it to you, soon enough she left and you were left to change in private. You finished up and grabbed your folded clothes and walked outside the closet, "what do I do with these?"

"Oh, you can just put that on the table over there." Cindy said, pointing to a table behind you, you placed your clothes there and sat down on the couch while Ryan, Ruby, Chris and Cindy stay on the floor.

"Seems like they finally decided who gets the couch." Ruby whispered to Cindy, Ryan of course could also hear them and turned his head to the two of them, but soon looking away when Ruby poked her tongue out at him.

"So what do you want to do?" Cindy asked, everyone at this moment but Ruby shrugged.

"Movies sound nice." Chris replied, and so the night began. You and Jay sitting on the couch and the others on the floor...



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