On The First Day Of Tourney ( 8 )

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"And that is why Jane doesn't like eggs. Any questions?" Fairy godmother finished, you looked at the clock on top of the whiteboard. You lay out a massive yawn and stretched, loosing your muscles. You started grabbing all your stuff and putting it away, knowing that class is about to finish.

Before you left class, while everyone was still sitting down you started to make your way to the door but when you passed Jay he was still sleeping.

You let out a tired sigh and placed your books on a nearby table then walked back to Jay, you towered over him from behind while he was still leaning on his chair. A small smirk made its way to you mouth, you lifted Jay's beanie up and exposed his eyes to the light.

He let out a small groan before saying, "5 more minutes." You let out a small laugh at his sleepy behaviour and shook your head, walking back to your books taking the beanie with you. You placed it on top of your books then went back to Jay looking down on him once again.

"Com'on Jay, time to wake up." You stated, pulling his chair back causing him to slightly fall toward them back into the chair. But in the end his eyes still widened with shock, and nevertheless, he was awake.

"What's the big idea?" He asked, looking over his shoulder to me.

"The end of class is what, unless you want to spend the rest of eternity sleeping." You replied with your arms crossed and looking at him.

"Heh, did you just reference sleeping beauty?" Carlos asked from your left, you looked at him and nodded. To be honest, you forgot that he was even here.

"Everyone has already left, we better get going. Don't you guys have to go the the Turney field, according to Fairy godmother. They both let out a tired sigh before Jay got up and grabbed his stuff, the three of you walking out of the classroom.

You all headed towards your lockers so that you don't have to carry anything, all of you talking about what you think Tourney is going to be like. From what James, Harold and Henry said, it seemed as if it was fun, apparently you get to run around a lot, which for you seemed amazing especially after being cramped in a cage basically all your life.

Once you eventually get to your lockers you put everything away, it was handy that all your lockers were in a row, it made it convenient. You all walked to the field that was filled with people, wether it be cheer leaders or the competitors.

You let out a sigh, tired of seeing all these people in one area, you kept wondering if school is just a way to get kids to do stuff they don't want or need and calling it knowledge...

You stand at the top of the bleachers, having a perfect view of everything. As you were looking at all the different players, you recognised one in particular. He looked at you then did a double take, a smirk grew on you face because you knew he was unsure if it was you the first time, he took of his helmet and looked at you, his black hair swaying in the wind blowing to his side. He used the stairs and walked up to you, Jay and Carlos. From your right you can hear a low growl, and you could already guess who it is from.

"Hey, Y/n! Are your friends here to join Tourney?" James asked, you nodded while Jay stood there with his arms crossed and Carlos was looking very confused.

"DON'T WORRY Y/N I'M COMING!!!" A voice roared over the crowd, you had a deadpanned look on your face, knowing exactly who this person is, "AAAAHHHHHH!!!" The voice yelled as it came closer, you could infer that by the persons POV they couldn't see James because Jay was in the way... thus causing this;

The person ran like a fire was coming, when he got close enough to Jay he tried to drop kick him, but Jay moved out of the way, causing James to get drop kick down the stairs, tumbling and eventually landing on the field. The person landed quietly and gently on their feet, huffing from all the energy.

"DAMNIT! wrong person..." he mumbled looking at Jay then back at James who seemed to be... well looks like... we'll you know he has seen better days..., "Oh well, still got one." He stated demonically.

"Ryan, what are you doing here?" You asked calmly, he quickly jolted his head to you.

"I was going to come and see those two bozos fail at tourney." He stated, using his thumb to point at Jay and Carlos, "but then I saw, you were surrounded so I came to the rescue." After hearing that you mentally face palmed, you know how your brother can be, and some times it's really irritating and irrational...

"Okay." You simply replied, walking down the stairs until you were by James, he had a swarm of people around him asking if he was okay, but you just pushed through them, "hey you okay?" You asking looking down on him.

"HEY GET AWAY FROM HIM!!" someone yelled, you jolted your head towards a guy with glossy, light drown hair and brown eyes, you sent him a growl and he immediately stepped away, then everyone went quiet.

"Geeze... your brother packs a punch..." James stated, handling the beating like a champ. You held out your hand for him to grab, which he did so you pulled him back onto his feet.

"Yeah, sorry about that he is a pretty over protective person..." You replied, "anyway I guess you should be getting back to Tourney."

"Yeah." He let go of your hand then started jogging off onto the field, you headed back up the bleachers and sat down, "shouldn't you guys be getting changed..." you implied to Jay and Carlos, Carlos snapped his finger like he just remembered something and Jay rolled his eyes, but then had a certain gleam to them, like he hand an idea...

Okay I hope you liked it, I'll cya in the next chapter!!

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