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"YOU'RE A TERRIBLE FRIEND!! I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO ACTUALLY LIKED YOU IN OUR GROUP!! You messed up my chances of having the perfect life..."

Needless to say, it hurt hearing the words 'I was the only one who actually liked you', your face falling the slightest bit, but still showing your poker face."Geez it's just a couple of books, get over it..." you countered, looking out the window, seeing a bunch of people investigating the catastrophe.

You looked Eve dead in the eyes, seeing how hurt she was by this sent a tingle through your body. But you weren't really fazed by it, it's not like she actually cares anymore. life seems to like taking you on roller coasters... turning into your wolf form, you jumped onto your bed closing your eyes and tried to sleep. Until a knock was heard on the door, not bothering to move you just listen in, the first things you hear, "you are aware there is a wild animal sleeping on the bed right?" Wild animal... tuning out you drifted into a slumber, escaping reality...

After what felt like a lovely eternity, you started slightly waking up. Hearing a whistle, you inferred that some just walked in. Hearing multiple familiar voice, it sounded like all the VK's were now in the room. A knock then came from the door, Mal got up from what you could hear, and started talking to who you assumed is Ben.

"What's wrong with Y/n?" Jay asked, his foot steps seeming to be coming closer. You felt a slightly heavy object place itself on your head, inbetween your ears, it started stoking your head, relaxing you bit by bit. But then you remembered what Eve said, causing you to growl and move your head away from the gentle yet firm hand.

"Well she was taking a nap..." Eve growled in a mumble, adding sass to her speech.

"Seems like someone's in a mood..." Carlos said just loud enough for us to hear, while this was going on, Jay repeatedly tried to scratch your head but you kept moving away. Just wanting to be my yourself right now.

"I think it's time Bennyboo got himself a new girlfriend!" Mal said, and soon enough, like a flock of sheep they all the left heading to an unknown place. You lifted up your head as they walked through the door, watching them walk out, Jay being the last one out gave you a quick glance before closing the door, leaving you by yourself.

Getting off your bed you walked to the window, watching as people started cleaning up the mess you had made. While looking around, you saw James walk past the ruckus. Quickly you ran out the room, down the halls, passing the VK's as they walked and ran to the bottom of your window. When you got there, there was not sight of him. Anywhere. You lifted your head and sniffed the air, trying to find his unforgettable sent. Taking off with impressive speed, you started following the sent, gently pushing people out the way and getting weird looks from others. Until you ended up at the front doors of the library.

Gently you pushed the doors open, looking around the quiet room. People sat at tables reading different books, or studying. You haven't been to the library yet, and you weren't expecting it to be so... peaceful. You started to walk down the halls of shelves, looking for James. It seemed to be useless until you got to the end of the last one, taking a breath you looking around the corner, hoping he was here. And he was! His back was faced towards you, his head tilted down, probably reading a book. Quietly you sneaked up behind him, going undetected.

"Hey James." You greeted, a small smile growing on your face. He quickly jumped around looking at you, slamming the book he was holding closed. You pinched you eyes closed, hearing the loud noise ring in your ears.

"Oh hey Y/n!" He returned, "sorry you just scared me."

You face slightly fell at the comment, "sorry..."

There was a moment of silence, you could feel his gentle eye looking down on you, "are you okay Y/n?" you slowly moved your eyes to look up at him, but then moved them away before sitting on the floor, him following suit, "what's going on?"

Cuddling your knees into your chest and wrapping your arms around them, you placed you head on your arms facing towards James, "I guess I'm just missing home..."

James placed a hand on your shoulder, "I know how it feels, having my parents living in a whole other country... gets tiring..." falling onto his side, you leaned your head against his shoulder, finding comfort in doing so. Hesitantly he placed a arm around you, adding to the comfort, "I just have one question."

"And that is?" You asked, eyes drifting closed.

"Why are you wearing those clothes?"

"Cause my brother is a trash bag." You replied, snuggling closer to him. After 30 minutes of sleeping the two of you woke up and went your separate ways, hoping to see each other more often. You headed back to your room, night fall coming sooner than usual. Eve and Mal weren't there, and since you were hungry you decided to go to the school kitchen room. Different ideas for different things come flooding into your head, you walked through the doors, heading right to the fridge grabbing a bucket of ice-cream and turning to your left, grabbing a big spoon. You turned around and started to walk to the exit when a sudden voice appeared.

"Where are you going with all that ice-cream?" Your eyes shot open, turning to your left you saw all the VK's in the kitchen. Mal standing behind a desk with a bowl and flour on the side.

"Nothing." You replied, walking backwards through the doors, heading up to your room once again. You got in the room with a spoon full of ice-cream in your mouth, you walked around and saw a pile of clothes on a desk near your bed with your name on it, literally on a piece of paper.

Hey Y/n,

Thought you needed these, cause ya know! Anyway I hope you like them, and that they fit! Hope to see you soon!

- Ruby

A small smile spread across your lips, quickly changing into the first pair before sitting on your bed eating the ice-cream and watching some movies before settling into you bed and falling asleep.

The Wolf (Jay x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now