The Apple ( 6 )

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You grabbed out your timetable seeing what was the next subject, apparently remedial goodness was a two hour class! You gave off a sigh, finally arriving at your locker.

"What's wrong, foxy?" A familiar voice asked, you looked to your left and saw Jay.

"I don't want to be stuck in a class for the whole day! This is torture!" You exclaimed, "wait, what did you call me?"


"I take that as offence, wolves are loyal, trust worthy animals, unlike a disgusting fox." You defended yourself, Jay seemed a little taken back but then had a smirk on his face, "what's with the look on your face?"

"Oh, nothing." He replied, from behind him Carlos came and tapped on Jays shoulder telling him to follow him.

"Sorry to take him away Y/n, but it's important." Carlos apologised giving a close eye smile, his cute freckles showing off, he started walking away after signalling Jay to follow.

"Cya later," Jay said, "Wolfy." You raises an eyebrow but a tingling warmth spread across your cheeks, you were very confused never having felt like this before. Before you knew it, the bell rang again screeching in your ears, you let out a small growl that actually sounded like a wolf, then made your way to next period. Genuine math. wow... so excited...

You walked to the class, on the way there your stomach growled urging your body to get food, but you had to fight it, you know the school rules... 'ugh what the heck, I'll be quick!' You thought to yourself, you started to run quickly past the lockers on the second floor, then you saw a nice big apple tree. Apples aren't your favorite, but you would still eat them in these circumstances. You ran to the tree that was slightly hanging over the edge of the railing, just enough for you to barely grab an apple.

You leaned over the railing, trying to grab the reddest apple you could find. As you where leaning, you started to feel as if you were going to fall and for a split second... you were.

Then some muscular hands grabbed either side of your waist, you smelled the scent of James.

"Need any help there, Y/n?" He asked, while he was talking you grabbed the apple, not long after he pulled you back onto the balcony.

"I was doing fine by myself," You replied, "but thanks..." a smirk appeared on his face, after you thanked him.

"So what were you doing?" He asked, his voice nice and sweet, you threw the apple into the air and caught it.

"I didn't have time to have lunch." You stated, shoving the apple in you mouth. James nodded, in the corner of your eye you saw books scattered around the floor, you finished eating the bit of the juicy apple and asked, "did you drop your books for me?" A small pink hue spread across his face, you have him a smirk and shoved the apple in your mouth then walking over to the books. You picked them up and after a couple of second, James finally realised what was happening and he came to help you. You picked up half of the books and he picked up the others, you handed him the books and he gave you a smile.


"No problem." You replied, taking a bite out of your apple, soon enough realisation hit you like a rock, your eyes shot open in shock, James had a confused face, not knowing what you were doing, you grabbed his hand and pulled him along to the class across the hall. You didn't care about your perfect attendance, but you would feel bad if you ruined his. You kept running, basically just dragging him behind, you finished the apple as fast as you could and threw it into a near by trash can, you still had one bite of the apple still in your mouth.

You bursted through the doors of the Math class, James catching his breath and standing next to you. Everyone looked up from there grouped desks, staring at you and James, even the teacher was looking at the both of you.

"Miss L/n and Mr Ababwa, you are late." The grumpy, wrinkly teacher stated. You covered your nose, smelling a unmistakeable smell, onion, and the direction it was coming from was non other than the teacher.

"Sorry Mr. Willow." James apologised, "it won't happen again." He gave us a skeptical look, you felt something squeeze your hand, you looked down and saw James was still holding your hand, you kept staring at the sight, a light warmth on your cheeks. What is this feeling I keep getting? You asked yourself, never have experienced this before. The whole class was in silence, you looked back up at the teacher and he gave a long, painful sigh.

"I expected more from you Mr. Ababwa, and you Miss. L/n just 'cause your a villain's child doesn't mean you can do what you want." Mr. Willow stated, "Alright class, back to work." James was looking down at the floor, his black hair covering his eyes. James let go of you hand and started walking to a table, you followed behind not knowing where else to go. You two sat at a table that already had two people sitting at it, one with long blond hair and blue eyes and one with short brown hair and purple eyes. They both looked at you in disgust then started whispering to each other, you didn't think much of it because you didn't really care.

"Hey James~" they both cooed like a choir, you rolled your eyes and opened your book.

"Hehe." James replied nervously, "hey Cindy, hey Ruby."

"Enough talking, do your work." Mr. Willow interrupted, the lesson finally took ignition and people actually started doing stuff. Your group was working in quiet, but you always got a sense of eyes on you. You gave off a small sigh and bumped James with your arm, bumping is shoulder. Without hesitation he turned to you, looking at you with wondering eyes.

"Yes Y/n?" He asked, his brown eyes slightly sparkling.

"I just wanted to say sorry, for getting you in trouble." You replied, looking back at your work book.

"It's okay, I just don't think my dad is going to be very impressed."

"By the way who is your father?"

"Everyone knows who James' father is." The slightly pail blond with blue eyes named Cindy, butted in.

"Well everybody who's a somebody." The tan brunette, with purple eyes named Rudy added.

"*sigh* my parents are the Sultan Aladdin and Sultana Jasmine."

I hope you liked it, I have done two updates in a row for this book so I must attend to my others, I am sorry but I will be continuing. LUV U BAI BAI

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