The Following Morning ( 13 )

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The next morning arrived quicker than expected, you were still fast asleep wanting to sleep in. But school always comes in the way of that. Your eyes fluttered open, inches away from what seemed to be Jay's face. When your eyes started to adjust, you realised that Jay had sharpie all over his face! A moustache, one eye was completely surrounded in black, a flower on his cheek and 'U SUCK' on his forehead. Holding back a small laugh, you already knew who did this.

Quietly and carefully you manoeuvred your way over Jay to get off the couch, trying not to step on anything that was sprawled over the floor. Cindy and Chris were still asleep while Ryan and Ruby where nowhere to be found, you walked over to the table where your clothes from the day before was behind the couch, but heard movement from the others. 

Jay sat up with his back to the arm rest, wiping his eyes before looking in your direction. "What're you doing?" He asked, you realised while he was wiping his eyes some of the sharpie would come off. And he seemed to notice the sudden black colour on his hand to, you quickly ran over to him covering his mouth with your hand before he could scream and wake up the others.

"Shhhh." You warned, looking him directly in the eyes. Once again the two of you only inches apart, he looked at you and seemed to calm down before you removed your hand. "I'm getting ready to leave."

"Why? Why not come and sleep with me a little longer?~" he cooed, you just stared at him for a moment before continuing with what you were doing. You heard Jay scrambling off the couch, trying not to hit Cindy or Chris in their small little cuddle. He scrambled in front of you as you made your way to the door, "I'll come with you, We're going the same way anyway."

"Alright," you shrugged, then walked passed him opening the door, you heard something fall over so you immediately closed your eyes. Then you felt a sticky ooze dripping down you. From your head to your waist and onwards, your muscles were tensed in anger, but you didn't want to go on a rampage. But then a hard plastic object landed on your head... taking a deep breath you opened your eyes putting your now ruined clothes from the day before in one of your hands, looking down in a small gap, you saw you where covered in pink, chunky paint.

Jay came up next to you, lifting the bucket off your head, "You okay?" Your eye started to twitch before you continued on your way to your room, trying to be as calm as possible, Jay places the bucket down before coming up next to you. As you where walking down the first hall way, with a perfect sight of Ruby and Cindy's room around the corner. You saw Ryan. Dropping the pink clothes your eyes turned amber in less then a second before turning into a now pink wolf running after him. Seeing that he was holding a video camera just made it worse. He turned into his wolf as you two kept chasing each other, you being the faster wolf since Ryan only works on muscle power, you caught up to him. Pinning him to the ground. Growling in his face. Turning into your human form you grabbed your hair, making your hands wet with paint an rubbed it over his face and chest.

You got up and started walking back to your room, while Ryan was in earshot you mumbled, "Idiot." People started coming out of their rooms, being ready early in the morning. When they saw you walking past, they would let loose silent laughter, the first couple of people you would growl at but then since everyone was laughing you stopped growling and stormed to your room. The last couple of people, when they saw you coming they got their phones out and started taking millions of pictures of your... pinkened... state.

Slamming open your room door, Eve and Mal shot awake looking at you. Mal snorted while Eve was in shock, "W-Who hurt you?" Eve asked, walking over to you hesitant to touch your face. You slapped her hand away gently before proceeding into the room, plopping down onto Eve's sowing chair. Much to her demise.

"Ryan." You growled, rubbing your temples. "The idiot wanted to prank Jay again. But this happened." Leaning back on the chair letting out a sigh, hanging your head over the backrest. "He also destroyed my clothes." Eve looked mortified that her creation was destroyed, almost having a mental breakdown.

"Where... are they now?" Eve asked.

"The boys? I don't know, I think at their room."

"No! The clothes!"

"Oh I dropped them before running after Ryan."

Eve started fanning herself, looking stressed, "my hard work..." she mumbled, "ya know what, go take a shower Y/n, go clean up I'll see what I can do." You nodded walking to the bathroom, obeying her orders. "Mal what are we going to do?"

"About what?" She replied, sitting up on her bed.

"Her clothes! I can't wash them before school and I can't make more before school!

"We can give her some of ours."

"But I don't think our colours suit her..."

"What about the guys?"

There was a moment of silence while Eve was thinking, "Could you go get them?" With a groan Mal rolled off her bed walking to the door, going to the boys dorms. As soon as she walked out everyone scowled at her, not that she cared in the slightest. She knocked on the guys' dorm door, waiting for a reply for a couple of seconds before Carlos opened the door for her, allowing her in.

Looking around the room, Jay was in the corner trying to scrape the sharpie off his face. "Pfft what happened to you?" Mal asked, Jay shot her a look so she dropped the topic. She could hear the shower running assuming Ryan or Chris was in there, "anyway I need you two to come to our dorm."

"Why?" Carlos asked.

"Just come." She stated, "and bring all the clothes you have."

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