Haven ( 15 )

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"You haven't even showered yet..." you stated, looking at the bathroom door.

"We have 2 hours, I'm sure I can fit in a shower later." He replied, "so let go!" The two of you walked to the door, through the hallways and to the lobby of the dorm building. Walking outside, everyone's eyes were soon on you. Probably because of the jacket... faint whispers from everyone could be heard.

Are they dating?

No way! Why did she get the hot one...

Pffft they're villains, who cares!

Knowing Jay couldn't hear any of that since you have better hearing, you decided to keep it quiet... wanting to let out a small laugh at all these assumptions, but held it in. "Ya'know Y/n, I've never seen you on the isle... why's that?"

Internally you were freaking out, but not showing it on the outside. "My parents made me stay inside, thinking I wasn't capable of... doing anything..." your heart tightened for an unknown reason, felling like the world os crushing it.

"How would you get food? Or anything for that matter?"

"Can we drop the topic...." you grumbled, your pair arrived at the top of the stair by the bleachers, leading to the field. From there you could see two people on the field, Carlos and Ben.

"HEY CARLOS!!" Jay yelled next to you, slaughtering your eardrums. Speed walking down to the field, you made it to the middle of the field.

Turning around you saw Jay grabbing some equipment, "So what do ya wanna work on first?" He asked turning around. You were about to reply when a sent entered your nose, lift it into the air to get a better smell. It seemed to be coming from the woods. Jay ran up next to you placing a hand on your shoulder, "hey, you okay?" Genuine concern in his voice. You looked at him your eyes burning amber before walking closer to the woods, Jay close behind. After a couple of steps the smell became overwhelming, you turned into your wolf, bolting into the lush, green forest. "Guess we're working on sprints..." Jay mumbled, running after you.

With every step you took, leaves would crunch under your paws. Wind blowing vigorously on your face and through your fur. A floating trail of smell guiding you way as you jumped over fallen trees and over rocks, every time you landed a jolt of energy filling your muscles, urging you to go faster. Jumping over a small hill, you slid to a stop at the bottom. Dirt covering your thumping paws. Crouching to the nearest bush, avoiding anything that could make noise, ears flattened to your head.

Looking around the bush, you saw a small family of deer. Two parents and a baby. All was quiet, all you could hear was your heart thumping in your head. Until a series of snaps and crunches roared behind you, turning around you saw Jay just came from the hill. Quickly looking back at the deer, they noticed the noise, but thought nothing of it. Causing you to let out a sigh. Looking back at Jay, he was walking casually to you, worried the deer would notice, you transformed back into human. Signally Jay to shush, putting a finger on your lips.

He quietly made it to your side, the side you had to look around. "Y/n, wha-" covering his mouth with you hand, you moved really close to his face and mouthed shh. Using your other hand to climb over him, leaving your body laying across his lap, you looked around the bush and saw the deer were no where to be found. Making your hand fall off his lips, hanging you head low, letting out a sigh.

Crawling over him again, you got up, lowering a hand for him to grab. "Sorry about that." You whispered, looking away with a tint of pink. He grabbed your hand, you helped him up but he ended up closer to you than expected.

He seemed to be frozen just looking down into your eyes, "it's.... okay." Keeping eye contact for a couple of minutes, you saw something calm in his eyes. You being the one to break eye contact, you looked behind him at the cleaning where the deer were. It was a massive circular clearing with a giant lake in the middle, surrounding a miniature island home to only a willow tree. Under the willow tree was another island, but enough for four people comfortably, giant lily pads leading up to it. The smell of pine, fresh trees, and clean river water filled your nose. The wind blowing the willow's leaves to the west. Everything was so green, it was so beautiful. Subconsciously you let out the most wholesome smile you've had in years, the biggest smile you've had in years, the happiest smile you've had in years.

And all through that time, Jay's eyes never left your face. Taking in every detail of your features, taking a mental image of this smile, hoping to see it again. Ever again. "This place is beautiful!"


"I guess we should head back to school though... you still need to shower." You stated, looking back at Jay. Your smile turning back to normal. You grabbed Jay's hand and pulled him out of his trance. Before walking back to the school. Jay just having enough time to shower.

The day went on like every other, but you didn't see James and his friends... while walking around you grabbed some pudding from the cafeteria, then walked past the field, expecting to be the same as usual, but then,

"Unless you can knock out my homework along with yours!"

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