making it work | antonio dawson

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summary: Antonio thinking y/n deserves better
"Antonio what's wrong?" you ask him once you notice the expression on his face. All through dinner he's been quiet, but you figured it was just because he was tired after a full day's work. It wasn't until you saw the sad look on his face while watching his favorite show, Family Guy, that you knew something was seriously bothering him.

"Nothing" he says in a monotone voice, staring blankly at the tv.

"Hey," you say grabbing his face in your hands, disregarding the tv "I can tell something's wrong, what is it" he tried to get out of your grasp, but you won't let him and move to straddle his waist, hands on both sides of his face.

After a few seconds of silence, he wraps his arms around your thighs and leans his head towards your chest, causing you to move your hands to his hair.

He sighs "You deserve someone better, someone who can see their girlfriend most of the time and not miss dinners or date night' he says, his voice muffled by your chest but still being able to understand him

"Why the hell would you think that?!" you ask angrily, pulling away so you can look into his eyes, but his eyes are looking everywhere except at you.

"No one wants to be stuck with someone who isn't home most of the time because of his work and I don't want you to feel like i'm holding you back from having the relationship you deserve" he says in a whisper, finally looking at you in the eyes and in them you see the vulnerability, fear, and worry in them.

"If I didn't want to be with you, then I wouldn't be here with you right now. I don't care that you miss dinners or date nights because we always make them up, whether it's breakfast instead or just watching a movie snuggled up under a blanket. Sure we may not see each other as much as I would want, but we make it work and as long as we're both putting in effort, it's enough for me" you say, kissing him hard on the lips, hoping you wiped that silly thought from his brain.

"Are you sure? I won't blame you if you leave" he says, pulling away from the kiss

"Positive" you assured, as your lips once again joined his in a kiss.

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