drunk jay | jay halstead

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"Can you please come get me?" is all Jay asks before you hear a beep and the call disconnects. You call him again but it goes to voicemail after one ring so his phone might be dead.

Today was a rough day for Jay. During a case, the guy they were pursuing killed himself in front of the team. Jay was taking it pretty hard since it reminded him of his time deployed overseas. Around 7:00 Jay called you and told you Voight gave him the rest of the night off, and that's when he told you about the case. He also said he'd be at Molly's and he'd see you later tonight. You didn't worry because you assumed the team would meet with him afterwards since they always go to Molly's after work.

You got his call around midnight while you were watching tv, waiting for him to come home. You got in your car and drove to Molly's, thinking how much he must have drunk if he called you to go get him since he always drove himself home because he usually doesn't drink too much.

Once you get to Molly's, you notice it's almost empty and Gabby is behind the bar cleaning the glasses. Her and you make eye contact and she nods her head to one of the booths where Jay, Adam, and Antonio are.

As you get closer you notice Jay has tears running down his face and Adam and Antonio are staring at him in shock and confusion. Antonio notices you and sighs in relief, "y/n i'm glad you're here. The rest of the unit left an hour ago but Adam and I stayed with Jay since he's had a lot to drink. We offered him a ride home but he didn't want to leave with anyone but you. He then started crying and mumbling stuff we couldn't understand, the case today really did a number on him."

Before you could respond, Jay saw you and put his arms out toward you, "Baby you got my call, I knew you'd come you would never leave me" Jay wailed as he reached you and put his arms around your waist with his head on your shoulder.

"Thanks for staying with him till I got here. Can you guys help me bring him to the car?" you asked, knowing you wouldn't be able to carry a drunk Jay to the car alone. With a nod Adam goes to stand by Jay while you try to unwrap one of arms around you, and you put that arm around Adam so you and him can share the weight. Antonio grabs all the wallets and phones and walks behind you three. On your way out, you say goodbye to Gabby and head to your car.

"Adam let me go I don't want you, I want y/n. You're not as comfy as her" Jay pouts as he tried to remove his arm around Adam, but luckily we were already at the car and you had opened the passenger seat. Jay immediately wraps his arms around your waist again and this time Antonio tries to get him in the car, but he won't let you go.

"No you can't leave me, I love you" Jay whimpers, fresh tears coming down his face

"Babe i'm not leaving you, i'm just going to the other side of the car so I can drive us home" you reasoned. Then added, "please get in the car, the sooner you get in the sooner we can go home and go to bed" you pleaded.

"okay" Jay mumbled as he lets Antonio guide him to the seat who then straps him in while you get in the drivers side. You thank both Antonio and Adam, then pull out of the parking lot and drive home.

Getting him out was easier because once you opened the passenger door, he latched onto to you and wouldn't let go. Thinking you wouldn't be able to get him upstairs to the bedroom, you head to the living room and he lays down on the sofa, bringing you down with him and he puts his face on your chest and you run your hands through his hair.

"I'm sorry for staying out late, you were probably asleep already" he thought, putting his head up too look at you.

"I stayed up waiting for you, I was worried after you called me after work, but I get it. You wanted some time after the case today and I respect that" you said

"Today was tough for me, it brought back memories from when I was a Ranger, and I couldn't handle it" he whispered, a sad look shadowing his face

"We don't have to talk about it. It's okay, i'm just glad you're alright" you whispered back, one of your hands coming up to his face and caressing his cheek. He leans his head down and kisses you with so much passion that it makes you feel lightheaded. You pull away after a few seconds and he puts his head in the crook of your neck.

"That was for being with me through everything. You've seen me at my best and my worst, yet you're still here with me. I'm so grateful to have you in my life, I love you so much." Jay said against your neck.

You wrapped your arms around his waist and said, "I love you too. I'll always be here for you no matter what."

Not long afterwards did you both fall asleep, holding onto each other like your lives depended on it.

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