dating HC | jay halstead

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request: can i get a hc of dating jay? thank you love 💛
• in the beginning it was hard because of his irregular hours and your work hours
• you both were determined to make it work though
• you spend as much time together as you can
• it's rare that both you and him have the day off so you make the most of it
• he lets you decide how to spend the day- whether it be a day inside or going out
• nights in usually involve one of you cooking (or if you're both tired then takeout) while the other gets the tv, movie, and blankets ready
• cuddling underneath the blanket
• spending the day out can be a walk around the park or city, or going to see attractions around the area.
• usually the night wraps up with dinner at a restaurant since he wants to take you out on a proper date
• he loves making you blush, he'll compliment you all the time 
• he's very protective over you, but not to the point that it's overbearing
• your stomach fluttering every time he says "my girl" or "babe" or pretty much any pet name
• the unit loves you, he introduced you to them and you all go out together to Molly's sometimes
• you bringing around doughnuts when you can in the mornings and dinner (like pizza) when you know they're working late
• jay loves seeing you and the unit get along
• being worried about him, knowing he can get shot at any minute
• he texts you anytime he can to reassure you he's okay
• whenever you do see him, you give him the biggest hug
• if you're in the comfort of your own home, he'll pick you up and wrap your legs around his waist and he'll just hold you against his chest
• comforting him after a rough case
• he'll be laying on your chest, arms wrapped around you and your hands take turns running through his hair or on his back
• him holding you tighter, thankful you haven't walked away and knowing you'll be there for him.

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