snuggly | greg "mouse" gerwitz

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• 17. "this is the third time i've had to put you back in the bed. why the heck do you want to lie on the floor so bad?"
• 7. "no no- it's alright, come here"
• 14. "you're so cute when you're half asleep like this"
• 8. "i'm not going to leave you. you're never going to have to suffer by yourself again, i promise"
a.n: i changed prompt 8 up a bit, thank you for requesting
**warnings: none, just fluff :)
you didn't know what the appeal was, but the floor was just so damn comfortable.

mouse didn't understand it, "this is the third time i've had to put you back in the bed. why the heck do you want to lie on the floor so bad?"

you shrugged as you curled into yourself on the bed, "it felt nice and cool on my back," you sniffle, "but sometimes while you were gone at work i'd get really cold so i'd have to cuddle with the blankets on the bed"

"well i'm not going to leave you the whole weekend, I promise. voight gave me the weekend off" mouse says as he changes into sweatpants and a t-shirt.

"really?" you smile as you lift up your head to look at him

he nods his head and gets in the bed beside you and scoots closer to you, but you scoot away.

"I don't want to get you sick too" you shake your head. As much as you wanted to be in his arms, you weren't gonna risk him being sick too.

"no no- it's alright, come here" he says as reaches out and grabs you into his arms.

"what if you get sick" you say as you weakly try to push him away, damn you were so comfortable in his arms.

"then it's a risk worth taking" he grins as he holds you against his chest.

you take a deep breath, knowing you weren't gonna win. "fine. you're lucky you're comfortable" you say as you snuggle deeper into his chest and close your eyes.

you open your eyes again to the sound of your favorite show being played on the tv. you were still latched onto mouse, but he definitely didn't mind.

"crap, sorry was the TV too loud" mouse says as he lowers the volume.

"nope, but i really want to see this show" you yawned as you rearranged yourself so you were leaning back against his chest so you could still see the tv, mouse's arms coming around your stomach.

"we can watch it later, you should get some more sleep. you still look tired" he says as he takes a hold of your hand.

"i'm good, plus all i've been doing this week is sleep" you say as you look up at him. you were still a bit sleepy but it would wear off once you got into the show.

During the commercial break, mouse looks down at you and sees you dozing off but your eyes tried their hardest to stay open.

"you're so cute when you're half asleep like this" he mutters as he leans down and kisses your head.

you look up at him through heavy lidded eyes, "it's not my fault you're so comfortable i could fall right back to sleep" you lightly laugh.

you did end up falling asleep during the second time there was a commercial, and you slept soundly throughout the whole night in Mouse's arms.

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