birthday surprise | jay halstead

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request: hey babe! could you write a imagine where jay halstead surprise his girl with a puppy for her bday?( just bcuz he's so cute with puppies ;) thank you 💛 
Jay had cooked you dinner for your birthday. He had planned a party for you tomorrow, but today he wanted to spend it with you alone.

"i got you something" jay grins as you both head over to the couch in front of the tv to see your favorite movie Jay had bought.

"you already cooked me an amazing dinner and bought one of my favorite movies, what more could there be?" you giggle

"sit on the couch and close your eyes, i'll be right back" he says excitedly as he leaves through the front door

you do as he says and close your eyes. after a few minutes of wondering what he could have gotten you, you finally hear the door open again, "okay, hold out your arms on your lap and don't you dare open your eyes " you could hear the smile in his voice.

you hold out your arms, "it better not be anything slimy" you warn

"trust me, you're gonna like it" he chuckles and he places something soft on your lap. he takes your arms and wraps them around it.

"okay you can open your eyes now" jay says as he steps back.

you open your eyes and look down and let out a gasp, "oh my goodness, Jay you didn't" you beam as you look up at him

"oh but i did, i know you've always wanted to have a puppy since you were younger but were never able to get one. and i know you feel lonely sometimes with the unreggular hours i have so it seemed like the perfect gift. what do you think?" he asks, slightly nervous

"i love him, he's perfect!" you say enthusiastically.

he lets out a sigh of relief and sits down next to you. he wraps his arm around your shoulder and brings you closer to his chest. the puppy scrambled to get in the middle of you two.

"i'm glad you like him babe" jay says as he kisses you on the lips

the puppy starts letting out little yelps, he was so cute. you pull away from Jay and let out a little giggle. "thank you Jay, this has been one of the best birthdays ever" you grin at him.

he smiles at you and you both spend the rest of the night playing with the puppy and deciding on a name that was a good
combination of the both of you.


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