one year anniversary | greg "mouse" gerwitz

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request: Can you do fluff prompt 20. "i cant believe i got the first date, let alone a year" with Chicago PD's Mouse and the reader being Jay's younger sister?
you and mouse have had one blissful year together, but it wasn't always sunshine and rainbows.

it was rough in the beginning, mostly because of your brother jay. Jay couldn't wrap his head around the idea of mouse dating you, his little sister. he was against it for a long time, until he saw how miserable you both were apart.

it took jay a while to get used to seeing the two of you together, but as long as you were happy, he was too, even if it was with his best friend.

for your anniversary, mouse wanted to cook you a gourmet meal and set up the living room for a in-home movie experience. Mouse did the cooking while Jay logged on to your pinterest, knowing you probably saved a pin about transforming a living room into a movie area, and you had.

"thanks for helping out man, i really appreciate it" mouse smiles

"no problem, she'll love it" jay says as he heads to the door before you get home.

'i hope so' mouse thinks to himself as he lets out a nervous chuckle
the dinner went great; you loved the gourmet meal mouse surprised you with and it was a nice, relaxing evening. you talked about how the past year together has been, reminiscing about your first date and milestones.

when you saw the set up in the living room you smiled. you recognized the pinterest pin you were gushing about to him, saying how it would be a good date night idea.

"you like it?" mouse asks as he sets down the popcorn

"I love it" you beam and he lets out a relieved sigh

mouse puts on a movie you've been dying to see, then he comes to your side and wraps an arm around you.

during the previews, you notice he keeps glancing at you with a smile on his face.

"what?" you say softly as you turn to meet his gaze.

"I can't believe I got the first date, let alone a year" he smiles and leans down, crashing his lips to yours in a passionate kiss.

he pulls away and his hands cup your cheeks, "i love you"

"I love you too" you smile and you lean forward so your lips touch once again.

it wasn't a perfect first year, but you couldn't wait to spend many more years together.

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