bad dreams | jay halstead

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5. "shh, you're safe. i won't let you go"
17. "shh, it was just a bad dream. just a dream, okay? none of it was real"
jay couldn't forgive himself.

it was because of him you were in this position in the first place. the unit, especially jay, was getting too close to a rape-homicide case. the main suspect had turned to taunt the team by terrorizing the people in their lives.

it first started with letters. letters about the personal lives of all the detectives. although with Jay, the suspect paid extra attention to you; not only sending letters directly to you too, but also with presents. he'd leave them on your car, at your work, and even outside your apartment.

what really freaked you out was when you actually started seeing him around your work and home. you had decided to stay with jay until they had enough evidence to arrest him. jay was more than happy to have you over at his place, it gave him a little more piece of mind.

the nightmares didn't start until after your first face to face encounter with him. he had cornered you during your lunch break and he got too close for your liking.

it wasn't only when he touched your cheek that made you uncomfortable, but it was also what he said that scared you the most.

what he said isn't worth repeating, you can't even think about it without being disgusted, but it was those comments and the vicious look in his eyes that gave you bad dreams.

jay has never felt rage like he did when you told him about what the suspect did, but the DA still didn't think it was enough for an arrest so you settled for a restraining order

even with the restraining order, it didn't stop the suspect from hanging around. he just made sure to stay the exact amount of yards away.


the nightmare was always the same, him cornering and trying to drug you. you try to put up a fight, but he's able to put you in the van and everything goes black. the look in his eyes always scared you, so much it feels like it's etched in your mind.

you woke up screaming, you sat up with tears in your eyes and you were breathing heavily. jay jolts awake and immediately gathers you in his arms.

you latch onto him, burying your head on his chest. when he hears you sniffle, he holds you tighter. "shh, it was just a bad dream. just a dream, okay? none of it was real" he whispers as he pecks you on the forehead.

he leans back so you could both lay down, but you thought he was gonna let you go, "not yet" you croak out as you tighten your arms around him

"shh, you're safe. i won't let you go" he says as he leans back again and you curl into him. "we're gonna get this bastard, i promise you" he says as he hears your breathing try to go back to normal.

you close your eyes and try to relax, jay was gonna get this guy, you knew it.

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